Sibling Love.

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The Tempest departed Kadara before evening fell over the port. Sara hated leaving Reyes behind, but his job was too important to leave. Keema and he would spend the next few days fixing the issues that had arisen during Reyes' time away.

The crew welcomed Sara back with open arms, talking her ear off about what she's missed out on. Peebee even showed her the upgrades she'd done to her Remnant machine Pock. It could now respond to certain commands from a certain distance away. Zap was the fighting model Ryder had, she only used it a few times, finding it odd to control when she'd rely so much on her biotics.

Scott had kept his distance, residing in his quarters for most of the night. Jaal finally finds him sitting on the couch, looking out towards the vast stars as they travel back to the Nexus.

"Dear one?" he softly calls from the doorway. Scott hums, not turning his head to look at his lover. "Are you well?" Jaal tries again, moving into the room.

"Yes, I'm fine, Jaal," Scott whispers. Jaal comes to a stop in front of him, blocking the view of the galaxy behind him. Scott looks up at him, the tears stained his cheeks told Jaal a different story,

"Darling one?" he mumbles, kneeling down to take Scott's hands into his. "What is troubling you?"

Scott shakes his head, closing his eyes tightly. "I just..." he huffs a breath. "I want my sister back, she still hates me."

"Sara does not hate you. She is struggling without you as well," Jaal points out. Scott looks up at him with his brows furrowed. "I can see when siblings need each other. I have many, remember," he jokes.

"Yeah, my back still hurts when your five little siblings jumped on me," Scott laughs. He met Jaal's family a few weeks ago. They were so welcoming and loving, even if he isn't Angara and the same gender as Jaal. They didn't care and cared for him as their own.

"Go speak to her, I saw her tinkering with the Nomad in the cargo bay." Jaal pulls him up, turning him towards the door.

"Fine," he groans. Jaal kisses the back of his neck before letting go of his shoulders and closing his own door in Scott's face. "Great," he mumbles.

He heads to the cargo bay, seeing Sara under the Nomad through the windows. She was working with some aggression in her moves. Scott sighs, nodding to himself and forces himself down the small ramp to the cargo bay.

"Fucking thing," Sara snaps as the spanner falls from her hand.

"Sara?" Scott calls. Sara is startled by his voice, unconsciously throwing her head forward to hit the turbo exhaust under the Nomad.

"Scott!" she screams as she pulls herself out, her head throbbing in her hands. Scott couldn't hold back his laughter as he fell against the large wheels of the rover. "Why did you sneak up on me like that?" she asks standing up to grab her cold water and hold it to the small bruise.

"I didn't," he says between laughs. He wipes his eyes as Sara hisses in pain. "Let me see," he says, moving closer to her. She leans back from his extended hand. "Sara, stop being a pain in the ass. Let me see."

She groans, but gives in and lets him see the bruise. "You'll live," Scott says, carefully gliding his hand over it. "I'm sorry for making you jump."

"What do you want anyway?" she aggressively asks as she sits down on the crates behind her. Scott leans into the boot on the rover, looking at his sister before finally speaking.

"I know you're still pissed off about everything, I never meant to upset you." Sara scoffs at him. Scott narrows his brows, pointing a finger at her. "You're just like dad when you do that."

Sara drops her mouth open, her water bottle falling from her hand to being flung into Scott's chest. "I'm not. You're more like a dad than me. He knew how to get under people's skin, you are a mastermind at that."

"Wow," Scott mockingly says with a hand to his heart. "Your words hurt me, sister."

"I'm not angry at you anymore. I haven't been for a while." Sara looks down at the floor in front of her, mentally counting the metal gridding. "I am envious of you," she quietly adds.

"What?" Scott dumbfoundedly asks.

"When I got the Pathfinder role, I had to fight tooth and nail to be taken seriously. Even the crew doubted me at times. Cora was the worst for it." She waves her hand at him, "but you? You were welcomed as Andromeda's golden child. I know why you took the job from me. I would have done the same thing, but it still hurts."

"I'm not the golden child, Sara." Scott tried to win her over with his words, but he had little to no confidence in them.

"Scott, don't lie to yourself. Dad favoured you so much over me. He wouldn't have given a shit if I went to Andromeda or not. It was you who begged me for weeks to go." Scott knew he had a much easier relationship with Alec than Sara did. He never approved of her choices and questioned her constantly which made Sara hate him as it got worse with the 'death' of Ellen.

"He loved you, Sara, he just was so shit at showing it." Sara laughs at that, standing up to move toward Scott.

"He had a funny way of showing it." Scott smiles.

"You make it hard for him sometimes. Remember the Turian?" Sara squirmed at the mention of that memory. Alec walked in on her and some drunk Turian half-naked in bed together. She never lived that down with him, which made their relationship even harder to function.

"I told him to knock," she jokes. Scott shakes his head as he watches Sara drop her smile and closes her eyes for a moment.

"I loved him, dammit. I still do, but he was such an ass. Mum tried so hard to make us get along, but I just couldn't. I wish he was still here, I want to stand right here and tell him how he made me feel for all those years." A tear falls down her cheek, and Scott wipes it away.

"Sis, you've done amazing on your own. You've brought life back to the Ryder name, ever fallen in love... finally." Sara snorts, punching him in the arm. "How do you think dad would have gotten on with Reyes?"

"Oh, they'd hate each other. Reyes doesn't say this of course, but he has so much more power than even you as Pathfinder. He did with me as well, dad wouldn't have liked that and probably would have chosen Sloane to help." Scott nods. Alec hated anyone he couldn't control, Reyes was one that no one could control or fully understand.

"Do you think you'll ever settle down with him? Do you really want to be a Pathfinder after this is done?" Sara leans her head to the side, almost shrugging her shoulders to the question.

"I'm not sure," she whispers. "I want to be, but not having that responsibility is nice. I want a future with Reyes. Get married, have kids. I can't do any of that with him doing his job and me as Pathfinder."

"I couldn't imagine Reyes as a father," Scott truthfully says. Even Sara nodded in agreement. "I'm sure you both will work it out."

"Kadara won't need him forever," she says with some hope.

They both stood in silence for a good full minute before Scott finally sighs and speaks again. "Are we good now? I need my big sis back."

Sara laughs, throwing her arms over him to pull him tightly against her small frame. "I can't stay mad at you little bro. I'm sorry for how I treat you as well."

"Love you," Scott whispers into their embrace.

"Getting soft on me now?" Scott only grunts. Sara laughs, "I'm joking. Love you too, Scott."

A/N: The Ryder twins are too close to be angry with each other for long. I'm glad they are finally back on track and can start to move on from their past troubles. 

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