The Fight for Survival.

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Reyes finally got the location of the Tempest. He met from halfway to Meridian, only bringing a few of his operatives who knew his true identity. The ships both dock together, Reyes was still shocked to see the dozens of Remnant ships following the Tempest. Ryder had done the impossible.

He let his ship continue following as more ships, Nexus and Resistance fighters joined the armada. "Where is she?" he asks as Liam meets him by the docking doors.

"Follow me," he quickly says as he waves with a charge in his step. The crew on the Tempest were running in all directions trying to sort everything out. Suvi was talking to all species across the cluster as more and more joined the fight.

Liam takes him to the med-bay, the doors were already opened. He sees Sara sitting up as Lexi scans her implants. "Pequeña Paloma," he whispers. Ryder instantly looks up, her tired eyes brightens at his soft stare.

"Reyes," she cries. He runs to her, leaning down to hold her as she breaks down. "He's gone," she cried. "Reyes, SAM has gone. I lost him and Scott. I lost them both," she whimpers. Liam leaves, but Lexi stays. She needs to run these tests, Ryders implant was struggling without SAM.

"I know, dove. We will get them both back. I promise." He rocks her against his chest as she quietly cries.

"I love you, Reyes. Please don't leave me. I can't lose you as well," she whispers. Reyes pulls back, putting his hands steadily on her shoulders.

"I am not going anywhere," he sternly, but softly replies. "I love you too, little dove." Lexi clears her throat.

"I need to finish these tests," she says with a smile. Reyes tries to stand up, but Ryder only cries again, she has a death grip on his armour. He nods, sitting behind her on the medical bed and widening his legs for her to lay between him.

"This alright, doc?" he asks. Lexi sighs, but nods. If it kept Ryder calm and still, it'd have to do. Ryder snuggles to his chest as Lexi scans her biotic implants and takes some blood. Ryder nearly falls asleep, but Reyes moves uncomfortably under her. His armour really wasn't suited for this. "You want to talk about?" he whispers into her hair.

Ryder blinks a few times, nodding slightly. "I got the location of Meridian. The Archon found out about SAM, and attacked his node on the Hyperion." She then stops and whimpers.

"No more," Lexi sternly says. "You need to rest," she whispers. She looks at Reyes, and he nods. Ryder needed some sleep. "I'll be back soon, we are still two hours out from Meridian," she states before dropping the lights and leaving.

"You okay like this?" Ryder asks as she feels Reyes constantly move under her. He pushes her up, quickly getting his upper armour off before laying back down.

"Sleep, dove," he soothes. Reyes wasn't tired at all, but he'd hold her if he needed to. Ryder nods, yawning as she snuggles further into his chest.

Reyes waits until her breathing levels out, then opens his omni-tool. The orange glow illuminated her face, he checks she doesn't wake up before going to his emails.

To: Keema Dohrgun.

From: Reyes Vidal.


I'm with Ryder on the Tempest. Have all our forces joined her forces? What news of the Resistance and Nexus.


He doesn't have to wait long for a reply.

To: Reyes Vidal.

From: Keema Dohrgun.

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