New Beginnings.

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Scott woke up, his head thumped and the bright lights in the room weren't helping. He sits up, seeing Sara sitting at the office desk. They were in Alec's old room onboard the Hyperion.

"Sara?" he whispers. She turns, her brows going up in surprise as she rushes over.

"Don't. You need to stay still," she sternly says. She holds her hands on his chest to push him back down. "Harry has looked you over, you're fine but your implant was completely fried."

"So it's gone?" Sara chuckles, shaking her head.

"No, they got you a new one. Never know when you might need to take over the family business," she jokes. "We've settled on Meridian. The ark is stuck here now, might as well call it home."

"And the other worlds?" Sara smiles, looking over at the terminal.

"Flourishing," she answers. "SAM is back and fully functional as well. Ain't that right, buddy?" Sara's omni-tool comes to life.

"Yes, I am now back where I belong. How are you feeling, Scott?" SAM asks. Scott raises a brow at Sara, SAM sounded... different.

"SAM, you sound so sincere?" he asks. Sara and even SAM partly chuckle.

"With my experience between you, Sara and the Archon. I've been given new data and knowledge about the process. I am able to alter my sentient being to how I see fit and I am now fully aware of my surroundings and behaviour." Sara was nearly up in joy when SAM first told her. He cared and finally, truly told her she was his best friend as well.

"Well, I'm glad you're back. You're part of the Ryder family after all," Scott says, yawning. He places both his hands on his stomach as Sara pulls the duvet over him.

"Right, get some sleep. Harry still has you on sick leave for two weeks." She stands up, heading towards the door. "You really need to stop sleeping in," she says with a smirk.

"Haha. Very funny," Scott mockingly laughs. They both stare at each for a moment. "I love you, big sis."

Sara cranes her head to the side with a lopsided smile. "I love you too, little bro. Now sleep!" she sternly adds as she leaves. Scott throws her a mocking salute before the doors shut. Ryder couldn't even get outside the door until she sees Tann, Kandros, Addison and Kesh standing right beside the door in a small huddle. "Fucking hell, you scared me," she says throwing a hand to her chest.

Kesh chuckles slightly, "we are sorry. We just wanted to run something past you," she says looking at Tann.

"You sure Tann isn't meant to have the final decision?" They all look at him, he clears his throat and puts his hands behind his back.

"You're our hero, Ryder. Your voice carries more meaning than anyone here. We need to think about fast-tracking a new government here in Andromeda. Of course, there is the native Angara we must put first, this was their home first. We want you to choose an ambassador, one to represent all species. They will travel the cluster, bringing peace to all." Ryder leans against her hip, looking down the corridor. People stood in small huddles as they celebrated their victory. She could hear the music, laughs and cheers of everyone out in the main lobby. She wanted to find Reyes, he was waiting for her.

"The Angara was here first. Moshea Sjefa should be the first. She has more experience than any of us and has knowledge not even SAM could explain." She lied partly with that, but the Moshea was a smart and tactical woman. No one would double-cross her.

Tann grunts, shaking his head slightly. "We should have one of our own representing," he mutters.

"The other Pathfinders would agree," Addison says.

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