A Small Hitch.

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Ryder hated leaving Kadara. Not for the planet, but for Reyes. She'd had so much fun the past couple of days, but duty called and Cora was bouncing around annoying Ryder about some Asari refugees living on Eos who'd been on the lost Asari Ark. It was too much of a good lead to passing up, so with a quick message to Reyes, she upped and left.

Reyes was less than impressed but had promised Ryder not to punish and become angry with her when it came to being a Pathfinder. Her job was stressful enough without him getting angry at her for trying to save everyone's lives.

Reyes was sitting in his usual room, going through his normal daily reports. Nothing caught his eye, the day's funds made were a little less than he expected, but he could easily fix that. He was about to take another sip of his coffee when Keema, his Angaran friend and representative to Sloan comes barreling through the door.

"The shipment has gone!" she shouts in anger. Reyes narrows his brows at her, he needed more information than that.

"What are you talking about?" he asks standing up. Keema paces the room, rubbing her hands together.

"The shipment our buyer paid big money to disclose its contents?" Reyes nods. "It's gone, someone stole it from our shuttle pilot."

Reyes felt his spine go stiff, this was a big problem. "Mierda," he hisses. "How did this happen?"

"They got him drunk, waited till he passed out and stole the shuttle." Reyes threw his cup into the wall, he was pissed. This was why he banned drinking on the jobs for shuttle pilots; he'd seen it happen too many times in the Milkyway.

"Make sure this fucker pays," he says. He wasn't going to let the pilot get off easy, it was easy and good-paying money. Blowing it to get drunk instead, with complete strangers as well. "Do we know who did it?"

Keema nods, "I got this, but don't know who exactly it is. We are trying to find out." She passes him the datapad that had a message on it. It was in Spanish but had been translated so everyone could understand it. it read:


Next time, employ better people. Thank you for the cargo, Master.

"Fucking Zia. She just doesn't give up." Keema moves closer to him.

"Ex?" Reyes quickly glares at her, shaking his head.

"No, just... fun. Before I turned her away," he says. Keema crosses her arms over her chest.

"Would a certain Pathfinder have anything to do with that?" Reyes sits back down, completely ignoring the question. It was true, however. He cut off all his side links when he first met Ryder. He was too drawn to her for anyone else. Zia was pissed, slapping him across the face before marching off from Kralla's song.

"Leave this with me, I'll have it sorted in a day or two." Keema turns towards the door, she knows when not to push something with Reyes.

"Just be quick, I can only hold back the buyer for so long," she says before leaving. Reyes scratches the back of his head, this was going to be stressful to deal with. He sighs before opening his omni-tool.

To: Sara Ryder.

From: Reyes Vidal.

Subject: A Hitch.


Just checking in, how did things go with Eos? Are you available to chat?


He wasn't expecting a message back straight away, but two minutes after pressing send his video call on the omni-tool lit up with Ryder's name. Reyes smirks as he answers it, "hello, pequeña paloma," he says in a soft voice.

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