A Moment Alone.

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Reyes finished with Tann, he'd made a new alliance with the Initiative. Now making more money with the crate runs the Collective did. He also split more and better resources with the Outpost on Kadara. Tann owed him that, Reyes had pointed out he gave the outpost full protection for no charge. He did that for Sara however.

Ryder was waiting against the wall outside when Reyes came out. He smiled at her, she wasn't. She grabbed his hand and dragged him along. "What's wrong?" he asks.

Ryder gets them on the lift to the apartment blocks. Ryder rented one out after pretty much losing the one on the Hyperion. She was barely ever there and wanted a place to rest than just the Tempest when docked with the Nexus. "I've not had sex in six weeks, we are about to fix that," she whispers. Reyes smirks at her, squeezing her thigh as they sit close together. "SAM, unless someone is dying, don't let anyone interrupt."

"Understood, Ryder," SAM replies. He then disconnects himself, his logs shutting off as he lets them be alone. Ryder knew she'd never truly be alone, but he at least tried by deactivating his logs for a while.

"How did it go with Tann?" Reyes leans back, crossing one leg over the other.

"Fine, let's not speak about this right now. I just want us," he says. Ryder leans over, catching his lips. It was only a short one when the lift stopped at their floor. "Lead the way, dove," he murmured.

Ryder pulls him along down the long halls of apartment doors. Finally getting to her own, she unlocks it and lets him inside. Reyes takes his shoes off and then turns to see the small but homey apartment. Ryder had decorated it with holos of home and some of her ship statues. It had a king-size bed in the middle, and two white bedside tables on each side. A kitchenette and across them was a long four-seater sofa and huge vid screen that took up most of the wall.

She had an oak coffee table, the sofa was dark grey with some blankets and small pillows on it. "Homey," he comments. Ryder smiles, nodding as she takes her jacket and shoes off. She heads to the bathroom.

"Give me a minute, go sit," she calls as she closes the door. Reyes raised a brow at her, they never really closed the door fully on each other. He thought he heard the shower running. He checks his emails, only seeing some from Keema about receiving the contracts from Tann.

He takes his shirt off, like the cool air that came from the AC, it was a welcomed breeze to the scorching heat of Kadara. He sits patiently in his tight jeans and socks, looking around at the statues attached to the left side of the wall. Ryder really liked collecting them.

"Reyes?" she calls from the door. He'd not hear her open it, he turns his head and almost faints as his eyes roam down her body.

Sara stood seductively against the door frame, wearing a tight red lingerie set. She even had tight bands around each thigh. "Fuck," Reyes grunts out. He can barely move, he was getting hard just looking at her.

"Do you like it?" Reyes can only nod with dry lips. He finally stands up, shuffling across the oak flooring. He picks her up, slamming her into the wall as he aggressively attacks her lips. Ryder moans louder, her legs wrapping around her waist.

"You are fucking beautiful," he groans against her lips. Ryder takes his bottom lips between her teeth, pulling lightly before letting go. Reyes licks her neck, nibbling slowly down her shoulder.

He turns to carry her to her bed, laying her down gently as he hovers over her. He savoured the sight of her spread out for him, legs wide. Hair wild above her, her chest rising and falling heavily. He kissed down her chest, the lingerie was nice, but it blocked his access to her boobs. He pulls it down with a grunt, Ryder hisses as his warm lips suck and bite the side of her boobs. He then traps her nipple between his thumb and index finger.

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