A Loved and Mourned Mother.

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The days turned into weeks, weeks into months, and a year soon passed. Reyes decided to join Ryder on the Nexus and moved his whole life so she could become the next Initiative leader. There was a massive power struggle in the beginning, some still wanted Tann to run the show since he kept the exiles and most Krogan off the station.

Rules changed and life was bustling. With the help of the Krogan and exiles, Kandros forces had almost tripled overnight. Addison had so many staff under her, she almost struggled to give them enough tasks to keep busy and Kesh could for once sit back and let her people take more control without it all going wrong.

Kadara was running smoothly with Reyes off the planet and he'd given Keema more power to run the port, but he still made the major decisions. With his help, the exiles were welcomed back to the Nexus and Morda sent some of her Krogan there to help finish construction with the Nexus, which was nearly complete.

Life was almost perfect, but two things still bounced off Ryder each day. One was the Milky Way, they hadn't had a reply since she sent the previous message over a year ago and Reyes' team was no closer to figuring out a cure for her mum. She wondered if maybe they should just give up and let her mum rest.

Scott was too busy running around the cluster to even sit back and think or worry. Sara kept him busy making sure the colonies were running as they should. They had terraformed four more planets. One they gave to the Krogan and two others were split between humans and Turians, whilst the fourth created trace amount of natural element zero, which shocked them for a material to form between two different galaxies. The Asari were offered that planet to keep their biotic traits running over the next new generations being born.


"Reyes," SAM calls over his omni-tool. The message was flagged as urgent.

"Yes?" he asks looking down at his arm. SAM opens the message, and each sentence Reyes reads makes his eyes open wider and wider. "They've done it?"

"Yes, she is also awake," SAM adds. Reyes bolts from his station, startling his staff as he heads straight to Sara's office.

He finds her hunched over her desk, going through emails and mission reports from the Pathfinder teams. She looks up quickly to smile at him, "I wasn't expecting you for another hour, are you that eager to get me?" she chuckles.

She and Reyes had been sneaking off during lunch times to sleep together, their long hours made it hard to carve time out for each other and they weren't very good at keeping their hands off each other.

"No, Dove. They've done it!" he all but shouts, waving his omni-tool in her face.

"Slow down," she says, grabbing his arm to look. Reyes kept still, but soon she joined his pure panic. "This can't be happening?! They actually did it?"

"Yes, come on. We need to get down to cryo now!" he calls as he runs out of the door. "SAM, contact Scott. Tell him to get his ass to the Nexus now."

"Yes, Reyes," the AI replies.


They both arrived at cryo in just a matter of minutes. Reyes' whole team surrounded Ellen's body, she was now breathing on her own. But the machines hooked up to her monitored just about every bit of her body.

"Make room," the leading Salarian doctor calls as he sees Reyes and Sara barrel through the doors. "Mr Vidal, Miss Ryder, welcome," he curtly greets.

"Dr Yabani," Reyes shakes his three-fingered hand. Sara went straight to her mum's side, sitting down on the edge of the bed. "How did you do it?"

The Salarian looked at Ellen before looking at Sara as she waited for the answer. "We have been trying different types of medications since you first assigned us, and we had little luck with most. But one came through." He stopped talking to pick up the medication, it had a long and very complicated name. "This is meant to be given orally, which we first tried. But when mixed with liquidized Indoism."

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