Happy Endings.

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A/N: Hi everyone! It's been quite a while since I've written anything. Life has been so hectic and my stories unfortunately fell very far behind. But I'm back and want to get this story wrapped up. The love story of Reyes and Sara was meant to be short, but it took on a life of its own. I feel like they finally deserve their happy ending. I hope you enjoy it!!  

Sara looked into the mirror, almost shaking in excitement and shock. The double-lined pregnancy test gave her a sense of her future. She and Reyes got married only months ago, but now it seemed they were also going to be parents. Sara looked back on the past few months of her life... 

The struggling species rescued by Scott and the Tempest crew were slowly starting to recover. They had a big push in population and many are expecting mothers with their own being the first born in Andromeda. The Arks were all at the Nexus except the Human one which was still on Meridian but was now being used as a forward hub for the Meridan operations that were currently being pushed out. Helping more and more awakening colonists get settled into the more and more habitable planets the Pathfinder team has prepared for the growing populations. 

Sara and Reyes were probably the busiest couple in Heleus, their work overtook their lives constantly. They both were never staying in one place for more than a week. Scott was still the leading Pathfinder, the Tempest crew by his side. 

Ellen had been undergoing treatment for her disease. The doctors are hopeful she will soon make a full recovery, as each week gets easier for her, she slowly starts to get back into her work. Biotic implants were still constantly being upgraded and improved, and minds like Ellen's were some of the best to be at the forefront of that work. 

The Milky Way and Andromeda could now fully communicate with each other. Comm buoys helped bring wait times down by just a day's lag each time. The full news of the Repears and their defeat by Commander Shepard and the Normandy was known by all. Everyone including the Angara paid tribute to the crew that saved the galaxy. Some pointed out the Repears could have one day come for Andromeda if they weren't stopped. 

Shepard's story was one for the history books, one that the Andromeda Initiative made sure to tell. Sara had read the story countless times, so in utter disbelief, the Arks had left just months before the Repears had arrived. 


The day was hot on Kadara, Ryder and Reyes were there on business yet again for the third time that month. The work was becoming harder and harder as more people were awakened and plants made habitable. The mental and physical exhaustion started to show on them both. 

"I can't do this anymore, Reyes," Sara mutters as she throws the datapad on the coffee table. They were staying in Reyes' previous apartment from when he lived in Kadara. 

"What's wrong?" he asks, placing his coffee down. 

"I just want to go on and live our lives, settle down finally." She had the pregnancy test in her free hand, deciding whether or not to finally tell him. ".... we need to settle down." 

"Sara, is everything okay?" he asks with worry, sitting forward to look at her. She pulls the test into her view, looking at him with a small smile.

"Surprise?" she almost questions as his face seems to fall in disbelief. 

He stares at the test, then at her. "Are you certain?" he mumbles. 

"Certain?" she chuckles, "I've got an AI in my head. How can I not be certain?" Reyes makes a weak smile and slowly takes the test out of her hand to look at it. 

"So you're pregnant?" he asks. Sara raises a brow. 

"Yes," she nods. 

"I'm going to be a father?" Sara was starting to worry about him slightly. SAM even seemed concerned. 

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