Kadara Port.

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The crew stood around the crew table. Scott sat down on the corner couch as his sister and Reyes both stood at the head of the table. Word spread about what happened and the crew were not at all happy that their Pathfinder was leaving them.

"I know you all didn't expect this to happen. But..." Sara looks at Reyes, she wasn't sure what she was meant to even say to make this easier.

"Can't we fight this? It's not fair," Liam shouts in anger. They all looked at Scott, he knew they hated him just as much as Tann. But he was now the Pathfinder and they had to accept that.

"Scott will do fine filling my shoes, just listen to him alright." Drack growled as he stood next to Jaal.

"No offence kid, but you aren't who we chose to follow," he says looking at Scott.

"This is not his fault," Jaal defends his loved one. Scott stands up, walking over to him. He wanted to stand next to his sister, but the glare she was giving him made him rethink that idea.

"Guys, don't do this. I am leaving, but I'll be back," she says looking at each of the crew.

"Where are you both going?" Peebee asks.

"Kadara Port," Reyes answers. "She will help me run things there," he quietly adds.

"So you're going into exile?" Cora asks with agitation. She knew she should have been chosen for the Pathfinder, she'd already been bumped down when Alec died. Now Scott was getting it when he had no experience.

"We are not exiles," Reyes sternly states. "We have proven ourselves more than enough to make that clear." Cora only rolls her eyes at him.

"Let's just go," Sara says as she starts to back away. "I love you all, but this wasn't a good idea."

"Don't go like this, Sara," Liam says as he steps forward. Sara holds Reyes' arm as they both stand at the top of the ramp.

"I can't look at you all and say goodbye. I just need to go," she says as she looks at Scott. "Goodbye... Scott. Make dad proud." She didn't really mean it, but hopefully, he'd now understand just how stressful this job was.

"Sara," Scott whispers. But she and Reyes left, the crew were silent as they looked at their new Pathfinder. "Let's get back to work guys," he says before storming off. He really had to hurry in getting Sara back as Pathfinder.


"You okay, dove?" Reyes asks as he loads the last of their belongings on the shuttle he'd bought to get them back to Kadara. He was going to get a pilot, but he could do just fine on his own.

Sara sat in the co-pilot seat, trying her best not to cry. "I guess, I just hated leaving them like that," she mutters.

"I know, dove. We will get you back soon," he says from behind her headrest. Sara looks up, smiling at him.

"Ryder, Scott is asking for access to your Pathfinder files. May I grant him that?" Sara wasn't sure why SAM was even asking her. She thought he'd have no choice in the matter.

"Why are you asking me?" she asks, looking down at her omni-tool. Reyes got into the pilot seat and started the pre-flight checklist.

"Scott is not yet Pathfinder, I can ignore his requests since I am still connected to you. You are still my main priority." Sara looks at Reyes, he just nods towards her omni-tool to answer him.

"I want all files regarding the secrets dad kept to be sealed for me only. He can have the rest," she says.

"Done," SAM replies as he goes silent.

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