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"I'd rather regret the risks that didn't work out than the chances I didn't take at all"
-Simone Biles


"Nikola Bea Cooper, get your cute ass down here

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"Nikola Bea Cooper, get your cute ass down here." Dinah yells into the loft

"Alright, alright" I sigh standing up from my piano

"You know I showcase in a week and I am still short two songs, right?" My question directed to my sisters Dinah and Audra

"We know we know, but we have a little surprise for you. The massive amount of stress you are under is driving everyone crazy. So in effort to not murder you with a hammer we have a little surprise lined up." Dinah says mischievously

"And before you try and wiggle your way out of this just be aware this will change your life." Audra tacks on

"And I cannot somehow bribe my way out of this? Tickets to a show maybe. Oh or dinner somewhere super fancy." I plead

"Nope" They answer with a pop
"Fine. What should I bring with me on this terrible timed "adventure"?" I growl through clenched teeth

"It's like you've never met us. Go change into something comfortable." Audra commands

"Ma'am yes ma'am" I offer a mock salute as I turn on my heel.

I grab my favorite jeans, a loose black tee, my docs, and a quarter zip.

Something twists in my gut that encourages me to go along with their plan. I have learned to always trust my instincts and now they are telling me I am doing the right thing despite my responsibilities here. But in an overabundance of caution I throw a few extra blades into the pocket.

"Daylight is wasting." Dinah hollers

"It is 10:00 pm on a Tuesday night, daylight has been wasted." I state

I walk into the living room to find a portal open and waiting. With a raised brow I sigh and fall through the portal.
The thing you have to understand about portal travel is that it sucks. Falling through a vacuum of pure and total darkness before you are shoved through a small opening in reality. It causes me to unload all of the food in my stomach more often than not. And it will leave you with a headache that could knock an elephant in their ass.
My feet hit firm ground and my knees instantly buckle. Have I mentioned I really hate portal travel?

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