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"Life is a shipwreck, but we must not forget to sing in the lifeboats"
- Voltaire


❗️ Spice Inbound❗️


I have never relished a person's tears

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I have never relished a person's tears. In my line of work, I see plenty of bodily fluids. But I have never found myself excited about someone crying. Nikola, at this moment, however, her tears have all the blood in my body flowing straight to my dick. I have been using this wand, as she calls it on her, for almost two hours. Giving her just enough to keep her on the edge of release. Her skin is flushed to a near-maroon shade and covered in a thin layer of sweat. She has silently been crying for the last twenty minutes, and if I am being frank, I am close to coming in my pants like a male getting his dick wet for the first time.

"Can you get on your knees for me, little one?" I ask her softly, brushing my fingers across her cheeks. She breathes in deeply, silently taking stock of herself before she nods and moves her legs under her. Shaking slightly, she squares her shoulders; pride swells in my chest at her resolve. She is a force to be reckoned with.

Her big green eyes look up at me with nothing but trust and adoration, and I can't stop myself from reaching for her and giving her a stupidly passionate kiss. She meets my passion with her own, looping her arms around my neck and dragging me closer to her. I can't help but groan into her mouth as I press her naked body closer to mine.

We break apart reluctantly, both panting and needy. I wrap my hand around her hair which has long since fallen in a tangled mess down her back. I give it a firm yank forcing her to look up at the skylights. I run my tongue along the column of her throat and nip her ear.

"I want to shove my cock down this little throat, and you will take it like a good girl. Yes?"

"Yes, sir," she whimpers in a broken voice. I refuse to wait for a second longer as I force her down. I run my cock along her the seam of her lips. She doesn't miss a beat as she opens and greedily takes me nearly to the hilt. Her moans and the sound of her gagging on me causes me to pause for a moment before I tighten my hold on her hair, snapping my hips forward and back at a punishing pace.

"Touch yourself, Bunny. I want to see you shatter with my cock in your mouth."

Her hand snakes down her body disappearing between her legs. She works her clit at a feverish pace which I know borders on the cusp of pleasure and pain. But that is one of the reasons we work so well together; her darkness calls to mine. I don't want to inflict pain on anyone, but watching her skin redden after I spank her or her hips bruise from my rugged grip brings me a perverse satisfaction. I am a possessive bastard, and knowing she bears my marks on her beautiful flesh is the closest I will ever come to religion.

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