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"Vivamus , moriendum est.
Let us live, since we must die"


Azriel and Alistor come back from their little talk looking as thick as thieves

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Azriel and Alistor come back from their little talk looking as thick as thieves. It was suspicious. I mean Alistor is a guy who oozes don't fuck with me energy from his pores. And Azriel? Well he is very difficult to read. I can barely figure out what is going on inside his head and we were actually made for one another.

Seeing the two of them with what appeared to be an easy camaraderie did warm my heart. I have never been concerned with getting approval regarding my love life. But there is something inherently nice about families and partner's getting along.

Rocco and Gemma are currently telling everyone about the time we made complete fools of ourselves in the middle of DC while we were tripping balls. It wasn't our proudest moment, but you are only young once. Why not take full advantage?

Azriel sits on the arm of the couch catching up with Rhys and Feyre while I am caught up in a conversation with Amren and Alistor. I've never seen Alistor physically uncomfortable in front of someone, yet here he is barely able to function. Amren either sets him on edge or is getting him riled up. Both are equally possible. He is a horny bastard.

Scottie runs up frantically and ready to play flip cup. I had completely forgotten that was on the agenda.

"Okay ya filthy animals gather round. It is time for flip cup" I yell

"The point of the game is simple. Drink what is in your cup then flip it so it lands upside down. Then the person next to you does the same. First team to the end wins" Dinah explains

And since you all have no clue what it actually is we will play a few rounds as an example"

We each top our drinks off then pour the appropriate amount into solo cups. I am on a team with Rocco and Audra while Gemma, Scottie, and Dinah round out the opposing team. The Inner Circle seems intrigued by this bizarre display.

"Alistor. If you'll do the honors" I say handing him my phone while he queues up the playlist I have ready.

I start for our team directly across from Dinah. We stare each other down hoping to intimidate the other; spoiler alert it doesn't work.

"Scared Potter?" I sneer doing my best Draco Malfoy impression

"You wish, Malfoy" She replies with viggor

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