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"She is never where she is. She is only inside her head"
-Janet Finch, White Oleander


We make our way into the sitting room and spend what feels like hours getting acquainted, sharing stories, and laughing

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We make our way into the sitting room and spend what feels like hours getting acquainted, sharing stories, and laughing. An easy comradery developing between our two groups. Despite the positively explosive introductions Rocco gets along pretty well with the Night Court denizens. He and Cassian together are a recipe for disaster; Cassian is the chaotic good whereas Rocco is the chaotic neutral.

The hours float by as we all get more comfortable. I am tucked into Azriel's side as he absentmindedly runs his fingers through my hair. Mor sits next to me with my feet on her lap. Rubbing small designs on my bare ankle.

Foo Fighters pump gently from my cell phone placed on the table in front of us. The Inner Circle were very surprised by the small devices we all carried with us. Wait until they see all of the toys my team brings with them. I share with them some of my favorite artists and songs. Passionately gesticulating while talking about Metallica and The Beatles. I know they don't understand a word I am saying, but they indulge me anyway.

In the early hours of the morning our party separates for the night. Thankfully there is nothing that has to be done tomorrow so we might be able to sleep in. Something Audra and Dinah are particularly happy about. The six of us are meandering to our rooms when Rocco clears his throat.

"Boss, can we talk?" He asks timidly

My sisters go unnaturally still while Azriel's shadows darken noticeably. Cassian watches with predatory intrigue, ready to step in before Azriel could potentially kill him. I gently grasp Az's hand as I turn to look at my best friend.

"We've had a good night Connors. Let's keep it that way. I will come find you tomorrow."

His shoulders dip in disappointment but he nods accepting this will be fixed on my terms.

"Night everyone. See y'all in the morning" I say as Azriel drags me behind him.

He leads us toward his room bypassing mine.

"Wait a second I need to grab something to wear."

"Absolutely not" He retorts

"Excuse me? If you expect me t-"

Azriel spins to cage me between him and the wall. I gasp at the sudden movement as he presses his defined body to every exposed inch of me.

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