Lⁱᵏᵉ ᵃ Mᵃᵗᵉ Bᵒⁿᵈ, ᵇᵘᵗ Nᵒᵗ?

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"You get what anybody gets — a lifetime"
- Neil Gaiman


Nik has been asleep for 14 hours, and if Alistor weren't calmly answering all of my questions, I would be going mad

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Nik has been asleep for 14 hours, and if Alistor weren't calmly answering all of my questions, I would be going mad. She was so pale when Helion and Feyre brought her into camp I nearly lost it. I thought I could handle her being in battle, but if this is the outcome, I am not sure I can.

Based on all the information we gathered from the captured Hybern forces, the subsequent encounter won't be for another 18 days. That's good news for us, as it will allow everyone's magic to recharge.

Dinah and Audra have been locked away with Rhys and Feyre for the last few hours, but I can't tear myself away from Nik's side. She is peaceful and relaxed, but her temperature continues to spike randomly, and the medics have advised we keep her under constant observation.

Alistor told me that when she wakes up, she will need lots of food to replenish the energy she expended dealing with the Hybern team. I know he's pissed at her and Feyre both for going off on their own without backup, but I can also tell he is nearly as scared as I am.

According to her sisters, she has never gone through a burnout like this before. Suffice it to say I had been given a crash course on Druid power wells, benefits, and complications. And since Nik had access to all eight elemental and alchemical magics, her well was deep. Which just adds to my fears about how much she expended.

My shadows have been keeping me updated on everything, and for the first time in a long time, I am grateful for their presence. They practically do my job for me, and I refuse to feel bad about it.

Nik comes first. Always.

"Brother, how is she?" Cassian asks as he pushes the flap of my tent open. He still has a few scrapes and bruises, but his eye shines. I wish I could reflect his ease, but I know the scowl on my face will stay there until Nikola wakes up.

"No change. Alistor just left to get her some more tea, but he said it was good that her fever broke. He theorized she should be up by morning." I say with a sigh, "Where are Rhys and Feyre?"

"Still locked away with Dinah and Audra."

I nod, running my thumb gently across her hand, cradled in mine. I notice her eyes flitting back and forth, and I can't help the tight smile I feel pull at my lips. I hope she is having a good dream.

Cassian updates me on a few things with the legion and a few things with the Druid, but other than that, we stay quiet, and I feel better just having him in the tent. Most wouldn't guess this by his chaotic nature, but Cassian is meticulously neat. So when he sees my desk's absolute mess, he straightens everything up.

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