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577 21 11

"To get the full value of joy you must have someone to divide it with"
- Mark Twain


I feel his presence close in on me as I open my door

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I feel his presence close in on me as I open my door. I make it one step before my knees buckle. His arms wraps around my waist as he swept me into his arms.

"I've got you. You're safe. I'm right here" he whispers gently to me.

He carries me further into the house. My head rests on his shoulder as I cry silently into him. He doesn't say a word as he brings me into his rooms. His scent is even stronger here. It's a salve to my raw nerves and emotions. I am calm almost instantly. He gently sets me on his bed and I lean down to take off my boots. He swats my hands away as he performs the task himself.

"Can I borrow something to sleep in? Because I don't have the energy to go back to my room."

"Of course."

He gives me a white shirt. I bring the soft cotton to my nose and inhale deeply.

"Not to sound creepy, but your scent is intoxicating." I tell him honestly

I hear his deep chuckle as I shuffle into his bathroom. I strip out of my pants, bodysuit, and bra quickly. I throw on the offered shirt which I am swimming in. There are flaps in the back to accommodate his wings I assume. Throwing my hair into a bun, I rinse my face.

I leave the bathroom and find the Spymaster in nothing but loose fitting dark pants. A subtle blush rises to my cheeks. I couldn't not appreciate that view. Looking positively bashful I have yet to see a more attractive version of him.

"Can I sleep here? I really don't want to be alone right now." I ask as I fidget with the cuffs of his shirt

"I wouldn't have brought you here if I didn't want you to sleep here. I can see you need me."

"You think awfully high of yourself don't you Spymaster?"

"Are you trying to tell me you don't?" He asks with a quirked brow.

"I'm afraid"

He makes his way over to me. With a soft grip he lifts my chin so I meet his eyes.

"Don't be. We will figure this out together. I am not going anywhere."

A lone tear falls and he slowly leans in. His lips graze my cheek softly to wipe the tear away.

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