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"The deeper you dig
The darker it gets."


"Is there something wrong?" I ask lowly

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"Is there something wrong?" I ask lowly. Our families surround us, Kallias and Vivienne left about an hour ago, and Helion just left with Mor and Scottie in tow. Nik is worrying at her thumbnail and seems anxious. All emotions I would have expected from her earlier in the day, all things considered.

"No, not at all, but I am curious as to why everyone neglected to tell me about Eris."


"The only reason we are entertaining any alliance with him is to ensure Keir's Darkbringers and to be rid of Beron finally," I reason. Talking about this in a different court is not the smartest thing, but Gemma and Audra set up what they call a cone of silence over our rooms so we can speak candidly.

"Strategically, it makes sense. But I am curious as to why no one read me in on it?" she voices, slightly embarrassed and defensive. "For The Druid to plan an effective offense, we need all the information. As our primary point of contact, you should have informed us. Nothing says it will affect the outcome either way, but Az, this leaves us at a disadvantage."

"Come on, baby. Let's get to bed."

Rhys and Feyre look at us as I lead her back to our rooms. I can tell she is disgruntled about being left out of that little development, but I hope she can understand it wasn't intentional. We were more concerned with Mor and her reaction rather than giving Nik and her people a full breakdown of the meeting.

The hallways are deserted, and none of the palace staff or attendants have disturbed us since we adjourned for the night. Beron chose to leave in a huff when Thesan suggested using Dawn Court tincture to counter the effects of Faebane. But Eris decided to put his forces above court politics and offered to take the potion.

Of course, that was before he decided to put his foot directly in his mouth and make a distasteful comment to Mor. But I knew Scottie and Nik would hand Eris his ass, so I took care of it before it could escalate.

But something is bothering Nikola besides the stress of the meeting, and I plan on finding out what it is.

Our room is right across the hall from the lounge we were just in, so it's a quick trip. I lock the door and haul her into my arms. She melts into my touch, the tension leaving her body.

"What is bothering you, Bunny?"

"Something is off. The air feels like a rubber band about to snap, and I can't shake this feeling that all of us are about to fall off the cliff." she sighs. "It's messing with my head, and I'm sorry if I seem short."

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