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"What's coming will come and we'll meet it when it does."
-Rubeus Hagrid


I am standing in a field of poppies

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I am standing in a field of poppies. Barefoot in a white shirt that falls nearly to my knees. The moon is high in the sky. A soft breeze carries on the wind. I inhale deeply the smell of cedar and night mist. A warm sense of safety builds in my chest and settles me.

I bring my hand to my heart. Finding its strong and steady beat. But also a soft pulse. Almost adding to the soft music of its beat.

"Sprite. You have grown so much. Look at how beautiful you've become."

I whip my head to the sound of his voice. To find him surrounded by a warm light.

It's my dad.

I choked sob comes barreling out of me and I run into his arms.

"Pop. What is this? How are you here?" I ask my voice laced with emotions I can't vocalize.

"This is real. I have come back to you now at the turn of the tide. You have a duty. Not to your people but to the people of Prythian. You are at the precipice of your destiny, Sprite. I wish I could have prepared you for this. Your mother and I fought so hard to ensure you are ready. Even when we couldn't be by your side we tried. "

His eyes flood with emotion as he begins to cry. I rub his tears away with the pad of my thumb. I am holding my dad. I have no memories of him, his voice the only thing that could register in my mind. He was taken from me before we could make any.

"The place you and your sisters find yourselves in is going to require you to give a piece of yourself. If there was any other way we would seize it. To save you from having to do this. We would, but there isn't."

"What do you mean? I don't understand." I implore

"We protect those that cannot protect themselves. No matter where you find those in need. You help. Right? The High Lord and his court will give you the strength and guidance you need for the road ahead. Trust them. Trust your sisters. They will give you all the information you need. Hold them close. You will need each other for what is to come.

"You need to know I wanted so much for you. We always knew you were destined for great things. And sometimes those great things come at a cost.

I love you so much Sprite. You have no idea how proud I am and how proud your mother is. We miss you, all three of you so much. But we never truly left you. We have found our way to you on the wind. And one day soon will have to let you go, but don't fret we will be reunited one day."

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