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"You cannot find peace by avoiding life"
-Virginia Woolf


After our little romp, Azriel kissed me soundly, promising to see me soon

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After our little romp, Azriel kissed me soundly, promising to see me soon. I then fixed up my hair and reapplied my makeup. I put on the blue dress I had picked out just as my sisters strolled into my room.

"Well that answers that questions" Audra says boldly

"Yup. You owe me $50" Dinah proclaims excitedly

"You two bet on me and Azriel?"

"You bet your ass we did" Dinah says laughing

"Wow. Okay you hooligans, go get ready. Is everyone getting settled?"

"Yeah. Rhys and Feyre got them set up. We can set up mobile command tomorrow" Audra answers. She pulls Roscoe out from the hall and I squeal in delight rushing toward her taking my beloved guitar from her.

I placed him safely in the closet with all the other tools of the trade I brought with me. A composer's work is never done. If I end up six feet under then my family better make sure I get all the awards posthumously for my sensational music.

"Perfect. I'll go finish setting up"

I walk down to the dining room and start getting food and drink set up. Tables are arranged from flip cup and beer pong. A buffet spread is full of the best food New York City has to offer. Our favorite booze sits on the table next to the food.

Fae moonshine that a buddy brews in his spare time might be the winner of the night. That shit will knock you on your ass if you aren't careful. But also bourbon, vodka, gin, and silver tequila round out the liquor. Seltzers and hard ciders and champagne and wine conclude our adventure. Hopefully they will enjoy at least some of it.

A state of the art speaker system sits in the corner. I wander over to it and begin the task of wiring it to our needs. Seeing as how Prythian doesn't have electricity I have to get creative with some of the toys my sisters brought back with them. Anytime we travel to a technologically deficient realm we use crystals and different minerals as a conduit to still be able to use our comms and different electronic devices.

I realize I am missing a coil of wire needed to stream to the projector I have set up for movies. Leaning over to grab it I don't initially sense someone entering the room. A warm soft hand brushes mine causing me to jump slightly before an embarrassed giggle falls from my lips.

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