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"Even if she begs I will show no mercy"


Some people like to take the high road when they've been wronged. But that was never my style. I'm more of a take the bulls by the horns type of guy. And my current scheme has been in the works for years; I just didn't think it would be so messy.

No one said it would smell so bad or be so sticky. To be frank, it is rather gross.

Whatever hell hole we are camping in is unnecessarily humid, and there is no breeze anywhere. I knew coming here would test me, but is it too much to ask for a little bit of central air?

According to the scouts, we are here for another week, and then there will be another encounter; they make it sound so formal. Let's just kill everyone and be done with it. I am more concerned with killing one person.

Just thinking about her sets my body ablaze with desire and rage. I was always meant to be with her; it was always supposed to be us against the world. I just got so tired of waiting for her to see what I see. We are perfect for each other.

It started slowly for me at first, the way the light would catch the gold in her hair or her nose would crinkle when she was confused or happy. Then as she grew, I made a point to stay in her orbit, I got close to her oldest sister, so I was never far. 

Their father had died, and my Sunflower needed a firm hand and strong guidance.

I had hoped as she got older, she would see just how perfect we are for each other. And my plan was working, but I needed to be quicker for my liking. But I knew it would be a marathon, not a sprint.

But somehow, the love I saw growing between us turned sour. And no one could have expected it to quickly take such a turn.

My Sunflower was in college and working toward her goals, with more than a little financial assistance from my trust fund. And I found myself in a healthy relationship, Delores and I even engaged. But when Nikola came to our engagement party with a date, something snapped in me.

Call it finally realizing we would never work out or insane jealousy, but I never saw her and I the same way after that. Now some of that might have been me killing her date in a rage three nights later, but it is what it is. 

Thankfully no one ever found out who killed that jagoff, but I know I was the one who was there for her when she learned the news. I figured she would grieve more than she did, but that only reinforced the knowledge that she was always meant to be mine. 

A short two years later, however, is when things really fell apart. I knew that fateful morning something was different, but it wasn't until it was actually happening that I knew why. 

I had gone out that evening with a few college fraternity friends. And we had more than a few drinks, and me and Michael had even done a few lines of coke. A recipe for disaster. But as the night wore on, I felt my resolve regarding Nikola flicker out like a candle. 

 So I did what any self-respecting man in love would. I checked the tracking app I installed on her phone and followed her for the rest of the night. She had been out with that simpering idiot Rocco and those bitchy friends Scarlett and Gemma.

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