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"Monsters don't sleep under your bed. They sleep inside your mind"


The mid-morning sun shines into the gaps in the curtains surrounding Azriel's bed

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The mid-morning sun shines into the gaps in the curtains surrounding Azriel's bed. His now familiar scent hangs in the air around me, but he isn't next to me. His spot on the bed was cold to the touch as I let out an annoyed huff. No lady wants to wake up alone when the possibility of a beautiful winged Illyrian is an option. I throw the blankets off landing on the cool marble floor before escaping to the massive bathroom. I turn the faucet to wash my face and brush my teeth, the smell of bacon frying hits me as I walk into the kitchen. Az has made us an impressive breakfast, there is just one problem. I don't think he can cook.

"Did you make this or was it Nuala and Cerridwen?" I ask

"It was a team effort" I cackle at the image that comes to mind at the two wraiths teaching him how to make an omelet.

"Come eat. We do have to get back to the House sometime today" He demands

Don't get me started on how annoying it is that our three-day retreat is over, but we made plans to complete the bond when Feyre returns. I have been given a crash course in the frenzy these Prythian males go through after mating so we don't want to leave until the Night Court's High Lady comes back to keep everyone in line. Az gives me the impression he is going to need longer than most to keep himself under control. Especially with Rhys and Cassian around trying to rile each other up. I'm surrounded by overgrown Ilyrian man-children.

"Do we have to?" I whine

"Yes, Bunny. We both have responsibilities"


I look back wistfully as Az gathers me in his arms to take us back to the House. Three days of bliss in what amounts to an ultra fancy loft with my hot as fuck mate was just what I needed. I just hope we can come back sooner rather than later. Both of us have been so busy that we only see each other to sleep, but it never feels like we are struggling because of it. I mean I am aware we've only been together going on two months and we are still in the honeymoon phase, but I am kind of waiting for the other shoe to drop.

But I am all about living in the present. And by living in the present I mean telling Azriel the worst possible dad jokes I can think of. Granted he has no clue what I am talking about for the most part, but I still get to laugh my ass off. His inability to grasp the concept of knock-knock jokes is endlessly humorous.

"The lovebirds are back" Rocco yells from the kitchen as we stroll in hand in hand.

"Wow thank you so much for the announcement Roc" Az deadpans. They have grown close in the last few weeks. Seemingly putting their differences aside because let's be honest we all have bigger things to worry about than Rocco's drama.

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