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"You are not the darkness you endured. You are the light that refused to surrender." 

- John Mark Green


❗Spice Incoming❗


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My breath heaves from my burning on the way out. Beads of sweat fall down my back and soak the hair on my neck. The wraps on my knuckles are snug and dull the pressure from where I keep pounding them into the heavy bag. My tank top clung to my body like a second skin. 

I've been in the gym since I woke up this morning. Azriel was still sound asleep as I dressed quickly and silently and snuck out, followed by Hector. 

While I was chugging my protein shake, I did some research. Hector isn't a normal griffin; I would describe him more as a flying lion. Not a griffin as depicted in folklore, but an eagle's head and wings on a lion's body. I am not really sure if I can even call this little dude a griffin anymore.

This is what I get for sleeping through my Greek mythology classes in college. 

But he has been chilling in the corner of the tent, playing with a medicine ball like a weirdo. Occasionally, he will come up and nudge my legs, ensuring I'm okay. It's actually very cute.

My alarm pings on my watch, and I unravel the tape on my hands. I toss the ball to my new favorite beast, grab a few daggers from the wall, and move. I slash, I cut, I perry, and I throw. Over and over and over and over again.

Soft music accompanies the equally soft sounds of my blades cutting through the air. I feel lighter as I finish with a complete body circuit and drink some water. Last night, I assumed finding out the truth would have sent me into a mental breakdown, but it turns out it set me straight. 

I clean up my area, wipe down all the equipment I use, and practically skip toward the showers. My new friend lounges on my gym bag while I sit in the sauna, strip out of my clothes, and step into the hot stream of water. 

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