Tʰᵉʳᵉ Gᵒᵉˢ Mʸ Hᵉʳᵒ

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"Women shouldn't curse"
"Get fucked"


The chilled morning air nips at my skin guiding me back to the present, Azriel still holding me in his arms

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The chilled morning air nips at my skin guiding me back to the present, Azriel still holding me in his arms. His hand runs absentmindedly through my hair. He brought me tea this morning, after our adventures last night my throat is sore and my voice is raspy. The best part is that he did it without me even having to ask.

"Do we have to go today?" I whine as I cuddle closer into Az's warmth. Rhys was called away unexpectedly early this morning and I'm disappointed he isn't going to be able to join us on our little excursion.

"We don't have to do anything you don't want to, Bunny. But you'll have to deal with Cassian if you cancel. He may die of a broken heart"

"Such dramatic babies" I mutter getting out of bed to dress for weapons testing. As I am putting on my sports bra and leggings. We will be out with the Druid forces all day so I know that will mean a minimum of 9 hours of training. Lord help me it is gonna be a long day.

Az dresses quickly in his training leathers as I dress in the standard training gear for my outfit, thin base layer in a slate gray color under dark blue training leathers. Truth-Teller and Oath-Maker strapped to our left and right thighs respectively, with War Storm secured on my back we make our way to breakfast. The sun has barely crested the horizon yet everyone is gathered at the breakfast table talking excitedly about the day's events.

I make myself a giant cup of coffee while I scarf down some eggs, bacon, and a bagel. Any time my team and I go somewhere as a group we always have contingency plans, for example, if anything happened today during the exhibition then Aurda, Dinah, and myself will confront the threat while Rocco, Gemma, and Scottie handle things here. Amren will be staying here in Velaris in the event whatever Rhys was called away for escalates. Cassian and Azriel will be the first line of defense as always, so we have our bases covered.

We each hit the ground outside the Druid encampment at nearly the same time. The camp is buzzing with the early morning rotation of troops in the training ring, our first stop though is the armory. Cassian is buzzing with energy as we lead him into the massive tent that makes up the secure sight for all of our weapons.

Divided into even quadrants we have small arms, machine guns, heavy artillery, munitions, and blades all laid out, gleaming, and ready for inspection. Dinah and Aurda take point in explaining everything to the Night Court, Cass and Az are enchanted to say the least, whereas Mor seems unsettled by our more boisterous weapons. But Scottie is quickly able to assuage those fears before leading her off privately toward the training rings.

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