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"You're all aware I'm going to snap one day... right?"


I lie in bed, attempting to catch a final few minutes of sleep

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I lie in bed, attempting to catch a final few minutes of sleep. We have to get over to the Summer Court before mid-day. But after the past few days, I need some time with Nikola while we can steal some. We all know the next little while will be stressful, and finding time for our loved ones will become increasingly difficult.

She snores softly with her head resting against my chest. I steal what seems to be the millionth glance at her beautiful face. She holds all my attention when she is awake, from the sparkle in her warm green eyes to her laughter. But now? She is completely at peace and the most stunning creature I have ever seen.

The dull clatter of the camp preparing to move is the only sound I can hear as my mate sleeps soundly against me. I closed my eyes and considered Nikola's interaction with the Bone Carver.

Nikola needing to be the one who needs to deliver the mirror to him sets me on edge, but after months of having her and her family here, being on edge is nothing new for me. I have been battling this dueling sense of dread and guilt in the pit of my stomach. Something is coming that is bigger than the War. It feels more personal. There is no doubt in my mind that Nik's impending sacrifice and the added layer of delivering the mirror it's a wonder how she was able to function.

I send some of my shadows out to get operatives ready to move. Nikola's sisters were busy most of last night, and I can imagine they will be exhausted when we get to Summer. The next chunk of time will be filled with blood, bile, and exhaustion. 

Nik makes an adorable little squeak as she cuddles closer to me. I run my fingers through her hair as my mind wanders to everything I have to do before we leave. Her breathing hitches slightly, and I smirk, knowing she is awake and refusing to greet the morning.

While she isn't a beast in the mornings, trying to convince her to start the day can be a chore. She will go on and on about how comfortable her bed is or how cold the floor will be on her feet. But once she gets out of bed, she is lively.

She groans softly, running the warm pads of her fingers along my ribs. Her touch feels exploratory and gentle. She isn't looking for sex right now. She reverently memorizes my body's ridges and how we fit together.

My hands end up farther into her hair's long tresses, and I gently massage her scalp. She looks up at me with those green eyes still hazy from sleep. She smiles gently, and I leave kisses along her brow and cheek.

"Good morning, Sunshine" her voice is rough from her slumber, and unfortunately, the sound goes straight to my dick. But we both know we don't have time for that right now. I bring her across my chest and bury my nose in her hair. Her natural lavender and sea salt scent mixes with the oak and moss scent that permeates the air around Windhaven.

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