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"Refuse to apologize for being.
You are taking up space.
You are the mountain."
- Allison Malee


I claw out of a dreamless sleep to hear Az softly talking to someone

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I claw out of a dreamless sleep to hear Az softly talking to someone. His chest rumbling in his deep baritone. Such a beautiful sound it would bring me to my knees if I wasn't curled up in his arms. I slowly turn my head into his neck and take in his scent. Geez everything about this male is just pure perfection. He stiffens slightly beneath me as I look up at him with a sleep laden gaze.

"Everything okay?"

"You have company." He whispers softly.

I turn my head to see both of my sisters leaning calmly against the opposite wall. Small tentative smiles grace their beautiful faces. I might be upset at them for keeping me in the dark for so long and I might not know how to move forward. But they are my sisters and I love them with all my heart and soul. Nothing can break our bond. Bend slightly, buckle a little, but never break.

"I'll see you at dinner?" He asks climbing out of my bed.

My only answer is a soft hum of confirmation and a nod as he leaves a featherlight kiss on my brow.

As he departs my room I pat both sides of the bed. My sisters clamber in next to me wrapping their arms around me in a strong protective embrace.

"One day I will ask you about it. And one day you will tell me, but not today. Just know I forgive you and whatever is coming we will face it together. Like we have done every single day of our lives. You are the other parts of my soul. I understand why you did it. And I love you."

Dinah and Audra are shaking as sobs wracked through them. They don't need to say anything. I can sense what they are feeling. I don't know how much time passes while I soothingly whisper words of love and encouragement to them. As they both begin to slowly calm down and sit up to face me.

Dinah takes a shallow breath as a small hiccup escapes her. Audra places her hands in her lap as tears silently flow down her face.

"Nikky we are so sorry we weren't there for you when you needed us the most. We should have put you first and instead we were too wrapped up in our own lives and our own bullshit to see what you were going through. We thought we saw it but we really didn't. Did we?" Audra says, rubbing her eyes aggressively as if trying to rub the sensation of her sadness and guilt away.

"We saw what we wanted to see. But as your big sisters we should have looked harder and found what you were trying to hide. We have seen how brave you have been since and we want you to know we will spend the rest of time trying to earn back your trust." Dinah adds

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