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"Sometimes you have to be done.
Not mad.
Not upset.
Just done."


❗️ Spice Inbound❗️


I wake up in a mess of arms and legs with Az

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I wake up in a mess of arms and legs with Az. He attempted to get all high and mighty with me last night, but no, thank you. I won't tolerate that shit. Before we went to sleep, I simply let him know my choices were my own and that he would never attempt to assert his will on me again. We can talk, but I will still decide what to do with my life. Mate or not, I am not going to be bossed around.

I will never tire of looking at him when he is this relaxed. His beauty calls to me so deeply it is like I am the sailor, and he is the siren. And while relaxed, he is beautiful, but when he is awake? He is the most stunning creature in existence. My favorite part about Azriel, besides his company, is his eyes. The hazel depths of them remind me of the vastness of space. The different green, blue, and brown tones wrap me up in a proverbial embrace. They say more than he could ever vocalize.

Not only is Azriel my person, the one individual who I haven't and won't ever need to pretend around. I won't have to put any sort of act on, and I can simply be me. I love my family and friends but find it necessary to put on a brave face for them. Without even thinking about it, my desire to pretend fell away.

And if I am completely honest, he could see through that. Which makes me love him that much more. He wouldn't have allowed me to be anything less than one hundred percent authentic.

He grumbles from beside me, pulling me closer to him. My complaint turns into a soft laugh as his textured fingertips roam my back under my shirt. I hear the birds singing outside, and the jasmine and salt-scented air flow lazily from the still-open balcony. I can hear kids running around outside in the early morning sun and the work day starting down the lane.

"I appreciate your concern last night, my love. And I want you to be able to voice those concerns, but at the end of the day, I will do what is best for me. I offer you the same courtesy. We are partners. We gotta trust each other to make the best choices for us." I say, propping my chin up on his chest.

His eyes are still bleary with sleep as he studies me. His eyes lock on the small crescent-shaped scar on my right cheek. His eyes take on a faraway look, like he remembers a memory shrouded in mystery. When he finally opens his perfect mouth to respond, there is a softness in his gaze.

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