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"What screws us up the most in life is the picture in our head of how it's supposed to be"


There will come a time in your life when you have to make a choice

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There will come a time in your life when you have to make a choice. A life altering choice. A choice that will change the very foundation of who you are. Sometimes it is as small as taking a highway exit or picking a flight. Other times it can be as big as choosing a career path or getting married.

My choice could be big or small depending on your perspective.

I chose to not tell my sisters about the dream. Or was it a vision? Maybe a prophecy? Eh it doesn't really matter.

"I need to run out for a sec. I will be back in time for dinner." I tell everyone as I walk through the living room to the closest balcony.

I glance over my shoulder to see Azriel studying me. I send him a small smile as I lift myself into the sky. I land on the training yard and open a portal back to my loft. Landing softly I go to work quickly.

I dial his number from memory.

"Boss." he answers on the first ring
"Something is going to happen. Get the Wild Hunt and the Reapers ready. I will have Audra portal you, and the rest of the team in the next couple of days. I am not sure when, but I need everyone ready as soon as possible." I can barely keep the tremble out of my voice.

"Nik, what the fuck is going on?" Rocco asks fully alert

"I am not really sure, but Audra, Dinah, and I are handling it. I just know we need to be ready at a moment's notice."

"Do you trust them?" he asks matter-a-factly

"Dammit Roc they are my sisters of course I trust them. You need to get whatever issue you have with them figured out before it gets out of hand. And if things go the way I think they will shit is going to hit the fan soon. I need you to have my back."

"I do. I am with you to the end, Boss, you know that." he sighs

"Thank you. Okay I need to get some shit from my place then I am going to be out of range. Audra will get a hold of you and the away team will come over first. Yeah?"

"Copy. See you soon. Love you Nik" Rocco says

"Love you too." I say as I disconnect.

I throw my favorite clothes in a duffle and grab Mr. Hops, my stuffed bunny I've had my entire life. I never said I was a mature adult. I am an adult that still sleeps with a stuffed animal at 30. Don't judge me.
A few more pairs of boots and a few hoodies I am set.

I pull my dagger from my thigh and draw it across my palm. Invoking the magic flowing through my veins. Spreading a small amount of blood on the lock
the wall safe opens with a soft hiss. I grab the contents and slam it closed.

Opening a portal back to the training ground I grab the only family photo we have with our parents. I glance back at my home of the last four years and make one last attempt at convincing myself I can come back. It doesn't work.

My thoughts are flying by at a hundred miles an hour. Trying to sort through them would only make me spiral even quicker. I just need to endure the hurricane of emotions circling within me.

I find the High Lord waiting for me. Standing casually he awaits my explanation. I open my mind to him and show him everything. Including how I plan to address it at dinner.

"If my father says I am to trust you and your court then that is exactly what I am going to do. Is there a reason why I shouldn't?"
"Nikola, I must admit you have taken us by surprise, but we have no reason to distrust each other. You defended my people and for that I owe you a debt. We are with you." Rhys says. The honesty in his eyes almost brings tears to mine.

"Tonight is going to be messy. So I appreciate the support." I say

"I am at your disposal." He motions me inside.

"Time to get dramatic." I say as I saunter towards the answers I am owed.

My personal rule? Looking powerful will in turn make you powerful. Placebo effect? Maybe. But if you're me it really doesn't matter. I am that bitch all the time.

A pair of jeans molded to me like a second skin, a sapphire blue lace bodysuit, and thigh high leather heels ensure I feel the most powerful in a moment of weakness.

"If you want to be a badass dress like one."-Sun Tzu (probably)
Everyone is seated and ready for you Rhys says gently in my mind

"It's now or never Nik." I state my reflection.

I strut out of my room. The Book of Prophecy under one arm and the family photo under the other. I slacken the leash I hold on my power and let it unfurl before me. I've been told my power feels a bit like you just hit your funny bone by accident only over your entire body and mind. Let them sweat a little bit.

Eight pairs of eyes are trained on the entrance to the dining room. Mine lands on the Shadowsinger immediately. The question is evident.

Can I help?

A slight nod is the only answer I can provide. I then train all of my attention onto my sisters. I reign my power back in and let them see the betrayal and fire that have taken up residence in my eyes.

"When exactly were you going to tell me I was Charon's sacrifice?" I won't be pulling my punches tonight.

"Fuck" they curse


And the plot thickens, Doves! This is a super short chapter compared to the others so I am probably going to update before Tuesday to make up for it. The big confrontation happens in the next one and safe to say our girl Nik is real mad.

Thank you for reading. Leave a comment and/or a vote if that's what you're into!

Stay excellent, 💋💋💋

Stay excellent, 💋💋💋

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