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"The most danergous animal in the world is a silent smiling woman" 

- Anonymous


❗❗ TW/CW ❗❗


"Fucking Christ," I groan through the pain

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"Fucking Christ," I groan through the pain. Elain tried to catch me when I fell, but she weighed 100lbs soaking wet, so she dropped me. Luckily, it jarred me awake enough to stumble back onto my feet. 

I could poke my head out of the tent to get a rough estimate of how we were going to get out of here. It was still crowded, so sneaking around was going to be difficult. I find a spare rag and wipe my nose gingerly. There is no telling how long we've been here, but I am going to be damned if we stay a second longer than we have to.

My wrists sting and are raw from the rope used to bind them, and Elain's ankles are bloody. But we have no time to worry about that. With my powers nullified by the Faebane and Elain all but useless, we are hoofing it out of here. 

Thankfully, a cloak is discarded in the corner of the tent I use to cover myself. And then I move as quickly as I can in my state. 

"Okay, Flower, I need you to wipe those eyes because we must return to our family. Yeah?" I urge her to look at me, praying she can see the severity of our situation. 

She wipes her nose and nods, closing her eyes. When she opens them, I see that they are hard and unforgiving. I know Elain is going to stop at nothing to get out of here.

"Yeah, Nik. Let's get out of here," she says lowly. 

I stand on wobbly knees and do my very best to ignore the sticky feeling between my legs. I can fall apart later when I am alone in darkness. I clap Elain's delicate hand in mine and pull her toward the back of the tent.

I find a small knife and try to cut a hole big enough for us to pass through without alerting anyone. It takes forever, but I finally make enough space for me to wiggle out. The strip of land between this tent and the next gives me enough room to stand. 

"Elain, come on. Quick", I say. I hold my hand out to her between the hard ground and the flap of the tent I made. She is silent while she maneuvers next to me and waits for my instructions.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03 ⏰

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