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"They muddy the water, to make it seem deep."
-Friedrich Nietzsche


"Were you ever going to tell me?" I rasp

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"Were you ever going to tell me?" I rasp.

I throw our family photo on the table. "Does that not mean the same thing to you that it does to me?" I ask

"We should talk about this in private." Audra rises from her chair and approaches me like a gladiator would a starved lion.

"Come on Nik. Why don't we talk about this calmly." Dinah closes in on my exposed flank.

"You will not treat me like a child and you will not attempt to shutter my power." I speak with finality. My eyes flooding with tears of rage.

Azriel is beside me in one fluid motion as a growl rips from his chest.

"Back away right now." he demands. Lethal calm dripping from his tone.

"You will give your sister the answers she deserves and you will do so in the presence of us all." Rhys states simply

Azriel guides me to the chair next to his. His knuckle wipes a stray tear from my eye as I look at him. He searches my face intently looking for something then gives me an encouraging nod and lays his hand on thigh. Rubbing small circles with his thumb.

"Rhys if you could?"
Rhys projects my vision into the minds of the others. Azriel's shadows curl around me as his grip tightens on my thigh. A wave of bone chilling fear rolls off of him. Then rage begins to burn in its place. His energy shifts from slight indifference into a surging wave of determination.

Setting the Book of Prophecy and my dagger on the table in front of me I wait.

My gaze lingers on him. His attention snaps to me as soon as the vision ends. His shadows whisper to me softly. We will talk later. They promise. We share a gaze that holds more than words before my attention shifts to the matter at hand.

I gesture to the objects before me

"This is the Book of Prophecy. In it there is a passage about a female of great and terrible power giving herself to the Ferryman in exchange for the salvation of her people. We are told the story from the time we are born. Charon was rumored to have forged two blades that would aid the female in her quest. One would be passed through the cosmos to a great warrior and the other would pass to the female who would remake the world." I tell the others.

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