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"Life need to be imperfect to live perfect"


The haze of the hangover is starting to form as I reluctantly remove Nik from my chest

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The haze of the hangover is starting to form as I reluctantly remove Nik from my chest. She is sleeping soundly under the influence of all the booze and food from tonight. I stumble toward the bathroom leaving my mate curled up in the middle of my bed. The light from the moon shining brightly through the window. The night is temperate, clear, and calm. The Illryians would call this a good omen.

"When the night sky is clear the Mother smiles upon the battle ahead" as the old adage goes.

I really fucking hate Illyrians

By the time I make my way back to bed Nikola is gone. The door is hanging wide open and the acrid scent of terror permeates the air. The hangover that was building within me is snuffed out by the confusion and concern for where she went.

I stride into the hallway following her lavender and sea salt scent now nearly overpowered by the scent of terror. Something sweeter almost too sweet migles as I follow the trail. Blood, Nikola's blood.

My mind stills. I can't get my feet to move farther toward her. A bone deep fear overtakes me and for the first time in centuries I freeze.  I sense someone approaching me.

"Azriel she's alive, but she needs to be left alone right now" Rocco says. The blood rushing to my ears makes it difficult to understand what he is saying.

"Azriel. Do you understand?"

"She needs me" I gasp trying to get past him.

"No, right now she needs space. Gemma and Scottie know how to deal with this sort of thing. We've done it before."

"What the fuck happened?" I snarl turning on him

"I was hoping you would know?" He asks confused

"I went to the bathroom. When I went in she was sleeping and when I came out she was gone. I could smell her fear" I admit my voice low

"Then it must have been a dream. She is going to be out of it for a while. It's for the best that you go back to your room and try to sleep. The mission needs to come first"

"I don't give a fuck abut the mission my mate is bleeding and terrified and I have no clue what happened"

"Hey I know, I get it. But there is nothing to be done about it now. She will be furious if you go into Hybern tomorrow night at anything less than 100%. So please for your mates sake try and get some rest. If anything happens I will come to you first."

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