Oⁿᵉ Sᵗᵉᵖ Fᵒʳʷᵃʳᵈ & Tʰʳᵉᵉ Sᵗᵉᵖˢ Bᵃᶜᵏ

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"There's an injustice which I have seen- Monsters resting in their sleep, while victims lie awake searching for reasons to blame themselves" 

- John Mark Green


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All I can hear is my ragged breathing. Nothing but the deafening silence left in the wake of Nikola and Elain's disappearance. My heart feels like it will burst out of my chest at any moment, and my shadows are whipping around me in a frantic plea to find our girl.

Feyre and Rhys rush toward the cliff edge, but I can't move my feet from where they are glued to the ground. My limbs feel heavy, and the tips of my fingers feel prickly. A whooshing sound replaced my erratic breathing as I felt sweat break out across my brow. 

She was gone, Nikola was gone.

My mate had been taken.

And I didn't know how to find her. 

I ball my hands into fists to ground myself to the moment. I can feel my control fraying at the edges. Quickly. I need to find a way to fix this. I need to get her back.

But I can't force breath from my lungs; it feels frozen. All I can think of is biting my nails into my hands. I can't stop myself from picturing her lying bloodied and broken somewhere I can't get to. It has been centuries since I fell helpless, and I will do anything to stop this feeling.

"Az. Hey, Az. You gotta breathe." I hear a voice mutter. But I need help even to place whose voice it is. It's muffled, and I can't find my way out of my spiraling thoughts. 

I sink to my knees with no thought to the others surrounding me. But then someone takes my hands and forces them to unfurl. Rocco kneels before me, clutching my hands with a wild look in his brown eyes.

"Come on, man. Breathe in for four and out of four," he demands, showing me how he wants me to breathe. I mimicked him and felt the rope holding me snap. My fingers are no longer tingling, and the wet grass soaks the fabric of my pants. 

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