Aⁱⁿ'ᵗ Nᵒ Rᵉˢᵗ ᶠᵒʳ ᵃ Pⁱˢˢᵉᵈ⁻ᵒᶠᶠ Iˡˡʸʳⁱᵃⁿ Mᵃˡᵉ

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"Two souls are sometimes created together and and in love before they're ever born"
- F. Scott Fitzgerald



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"Rocco. Are you going to be okay?" I ask, his knee is bouncing like a jackrabbit. The bags under his eye are so pronounced you would think he hasn't slept in days. He has coroporated every step of the way which everyone knows has been difficult for him.

It isn't every day that your ex smuggles your best friend's rapist into another realm in some twisted revenge fantasy. Michael and three other of Nikola's troops had conspired and successfully got Edwards into Velaris with the express goal of Edwards killing her. I have been ready to string up those men for days now, but patience is key.

"I'll be better when we find him," he sighs out running his hand over his face.

"What is the protocol here?" Rhys asks. Dinah and Audra haven't left Nikola's side while Scottie, Gemma, and Alistor are keeping the Druid locked down. The cell Michael created are all 'grunts' in The Reapers so Alistor has been having a grand ole' time ruling with a iron fist.

"From the intel we've got Michael approached Edwards, he seems to believe that Nikola is the reason we got divorced and thought leading Edwards to her was appropriate punishment. Calver claims himself and Liam were approched by Michael's buddy, Jacob, with a rather large sum of money to alter the rosters and to get Edwards on realm.

"Calver and Liam both assumed Edwards just wanted a little excitement. But we keep Michael, Jacob, Calver, and Liam in the brig. Once we find Edwards they will all be tried and if convicted they could be executed. But all of that hinges on how you as the governing body here wish to proceed"

"Edwards doesn't leave Prythian alive" I snarl. "I have half a mind to ensure Michael never sees the light of day again."

"Once we find Edwards we take them all into custody. Calver and Liam might not know the extent of the plan but they are still culpable" Rhys proclaims.

"How is she?" Cassian asks me

"She is awake. Her nose was broken, a few of her ribs, and plenty of bruising. Majda said she should be good as new in a couple days" I recount "I'm getting her out of the city like we planned. I can't wait any longer, especially with him here."

"Have you talked about it?"

"We have. If it was up to me I would have taken her days ago, but she wanted to be all healed up. I've already got things set up for while we are gone. I know the timing isn't ideal, but right now she is my priority,"

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