Tʰⁱˢ Sʰᵒᵘˡᵈ Hᵃᵛᵉ Bᵉᵉⁿ ᵃⁿ Eᵐᵃⁱˡ

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"This is who I am. Nobody said you had to like it"


Breakfast is a quiet affair; Scottie, Mor, and Gemma bring pastries and mimosas from a local bakery

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Breakfast is a quiet affair; Scottie, Mor, and Gemma bring pastries and mimosas from a local bakery. Elain, Nuala, and Cerridwen whipped up some eggs and sausage. We attempt to enjoy the meal, but the air is tense. This meeting could be an absolute shitshow, or it could finally turn things in our favor.

Rhys and Feyre look every bit the regal High Lord and Lady they are, with Mor in her signature red and Cassian in his finest armor. Azriel has refused to leave my side all morning. I suspect he is trying to get soft Azriel out of his system so he can turn on the Spymaster.

Dinah, Audra, Scottie, Gemma, and I are all dressed in our finest leathers, including the sashes and epaulets that denote our rank. This is the first time everyone, including Az, has seen what we look like all done up. My hair is sectioned off in elaborate braids and plaits for the first time in a few years. No one in this room besides my family knows the significance of our hair: trade secrets and whatnot.

We hear shuffling the stairs and turn to see Nesta dancing down the stairs with all the grace of an Empress. She is wearing a long flowing navy blue dress with a fitted bodice and no beading or adornment of any type. The high-cut scoop neckline is tasteful and elegant the long slim sleeves go to her wrists. The only jewelry she is wearing is a pair of small pair of earrings, little hoops in the shape of stars.

We meet eyes, and I see that grit I always knew was there shining. She is determined to prove something to the people in this family, but it is more than that; she is trying to prove something to herself.

Everyone but me seems surprised she is joining us, but I'm not. Nesta might get on my last nerve, and her barbs cut deep into my soul, but I knew she would come through for us. No one looks more surprised than Rhys, and no one seems more enamored than Cassian. The male is obsessed with her and won't admit it to anyone, including himself.

Did you have anything to do with this? Rhys asks into my mind.

I might have asked her to give it a second thought.

Why not just as Elain? Surely she would have been easier to convince than Netsa. His voice rings out around my mind. His voice is sharp, and it doesn't take a genius to figure out how much he doesn't like Nesta. Which is fair if I am being honest, but I appreciate him putting his feelings aside for the matter at hand.

Because Sandy, I like my head attached to my body. And if Nesta caught me, I would be six feet under.

I don't blame you, thank you. This will help us plead our case.

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