Rᵒᶜᵏ Bᵒᵗᵗᵒᵐ? Wᵉ Dᵒⁿ'ᵗ ᵏⁿᵒʷ Hᵉʳ

443 11 9

"Silly me, expecting too much from people yet again"



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"Bunny. Your sisters are back from the meeting with Cassian and the others." Azriel's voice rumbles softly in my ear.

"I don't wanna get up." I whine

"I know neither do I, but we have to."

"Fine but you owe me big time." I huff as I remove myself from his warm hold.

"Whatever you say. You might want to change before you meet them." He says with a far off look in his eyes.
"Cryptic but okay." I pull off my sweater and grab a tee shirt from my bag.

As I am pulling it down over my chest my eyes lock with his.


"How did you get that?" He demands making his way over to me in two long strides.

"This? The shit I went through a few years back. It didn't just leave emotional damage." I state

I grab his hand softly and trace the scar that travels from my navel to just under my breast.

"But I am okay now"

"Tell me?" He seethes
"I will need a lot more gin for that one Azzy. But I will. Promise" I wrap my arms around his neck. My fingers trailing the nape of his neck.

"They're waiting" Az says softly.

"Well we wouldn't want to keep them waiting now would we?" I giggle

We make our way up to the training grounds. My heart drops and I reach for Azriel's hand. He stops short and snaps his head to me.

"I have a bad feeling. Stay with me?"

"Always, Bunny."
He places a soft kiss on my wrist and interlocks our hands.

We reach the training grounds moments later. Standing in a rough circle around one of the tables is Feyre, Rhys, Mor, Cass, and my sisters. Cassian nods to Az as the circle breaks apart. Standing farthest away from me is the third person who lied to my face for years. My best friend, Rocco.

"Hey boss."

I look toward my sisters as they both meet my burning gaze. They both nod. Turning to Rhys and Feyre they both smile softly at me.

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