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511 19 11

"Look for the answer inside your question"


I rush to my rooms afraid to run into anyone else

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I rush to my rooms afraid to run into anyone else. I quickly bathe and change into leggings and an oversized sweater. Meeting Az back in his room an hour later.

"I might eat the bedspread if I don't get sustenance pronto." I declare leaning on his door frame.

"You say such odd things. You and Rhys are matched in terms of theatrics." He says with an amused scoff.

We walked side by side to a small lounge area. A seating area in front of a warm fire. A full kitchen and a breakfast nook take up the remaining space. Food appears suddenly as Az raises a single brow toward the hall. The High Lord strides in a beat later.

"I have impeccable timing." He says with a wave of his hand
"Yes it is almost like you can read minds." I snort out as I pile my plate with bacon, eggs, and toast. And pour myself a large cup of coffee.

Azriel slides in next to me pulling me so close I am practically in his lap. I swivel my head to him and am met with a shrug.

I make no apologies, his shadows whisper to me.

Rhys gracefully slides in across from us. Inquisitive eyes study our proximity. Meeting Azriel's gaze his mouth quirks into a knowing smile.

"Lock that shit down, Sandy." I point my fork toward him in the least threatening scene you could possibly imagine.

He raises his hands in mock surrender. And releases a howling laugh.

"What is so funny?" Cassian asks groggily while he makes his way over. Clad only in loose cotton pants he ties his hair up with a leather tie. Do they even own shirts here?
"Good morning sunshine." I sing out.

Azriel piles more food onto my now empty plate. I raise an eyebrow in questions and am met with an unflinching demand. I roll my eyes but acquiesce.

Careful with the attitude he whisper suggestively

Cassian and Rhys are engaged in a low conversation. I slowly turn my gaze to the Shadowsinger.

"Make me" I purr just loud enough for him to hear me.

His eyes light up at the challenge. A soft chuckle escapes my mouth and I turn to Cassian and ask "Are my sisters meeting you for training today?"

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