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"Storms make trees take deeper roots"
-Dolly Parton


I have been holed up in the library for a few days now

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I have been holed up in the library for a few days now. I found a small passage in the Book of Prophecy last week that seemed promising, so now I am trying to find some sort of instruction on catching a creature known as the Suriel. But so far all the answers I have found are wildly contradictory so I hope I can find some sort of definitive answer before I meet with my people in a couple of hours.

It was a night for family dinners I suppose, we were all comfortable enough with one another but it was still nice to spend time alone. Rocco had been spending most of his time with me since Michael came in to help. There was a lot of shit that needed to be unpacked before either one of them was able to rebuild a working relationship. But thankfully Alistor had assigned Michael to work in a completely different unit so they wouldn't need to interact at all.

"Excuse me miss, we are going to be closing here in a few minutes. Is there anything you need me to put back?" a soft voice says from behind me. Turning I see a beautiful red-haired young woman in a cornflower blue robe.

"Oh my god. No, absolutely not, I can put them back" I wave her off reshelving the remaining books I had scattered around the table.

"What are you working on? If you don't mind me asking"

"Currently attempting to find some real answers on how to trap a Suriel. I have some questions that I need answering. Plus I needed to find some information about ritualistic sacrifices. I'm Nikola by the way" I say reaching out my hand for her to shake

"Gwyn" she introduces

"Well, Gwyn it is wonderful to meet you. I am getting out of your hair now. Have a good night"

"Stop by tomorrow and I should have some better options for you to take a look at"

"That would be such a big help. I didn't want to be too much of an imposition especially since I know I had to get special permission"

"So you're one of the realm travelers?"

"That I am," I say cheerfully as we make our way to the  library door "I imagine we made quite the impression didn't we?"

"Not only did you defend us during an attack, but your people have helped rebuild the city. We're indebted to you"

"Thank you, Gwyn. I'll come to bother you tomorrow"

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