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"Sometimes she was you to throw her up against a wall and take what's yours"


❗️ Spice Incoming❗️


Azriel wakes me up in the morning with a giant cup of coffee and the promise of breakfast after a morning workout

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Azriel wakes me up in the morning with a giant cup of coffee and the promise of breakfast after a morning workout. I still shove a protein bar in my face before I put on my leggings and sports bra. You try working out with your insanely attractive mate for hours on end with an empty stomach. That is not my idea of a good time.

There is still a pretty significant chill in the air this high up in the mountains, so I throw on a three sizes too big teeshirt and a hoodie. Laying out my boots and weapons, I lace up my running shoes while I wait for Az to finish setting up the training ring.

"Ready, sunshine?" I ask, the permanent scowl on his face deepening.

"Sure am grumpy," he retorts. I lean back, cackling at the sky like a mad woman. With one last look, we take off toward the trail into the forest.

Our pace is leisurely and light enough to hold a conversation, so he tells me about the miles of the trail he has created on the property. It turns out he owns most of the surrounding land, and he moved his mom onto the secondary cabin he built here nearly two hundred years ago. He is already planning on building an addition to the house we are staying in after things settle down. I would be lying if I said the possibility of decorating this oasis isn't exciting.

An hour and a bucket of sweat later, I have stripped out of my hoodie and am practicing some Illyrian techniques Cassian has been bugging me about learning. Giving me vital tips when I need them, Azriel walks me through a more intermediate training plan he did when he was younger. At moments like these, I am once again gut-punched by the fact that he is centuries older than me. But there are still things he doesn't know, so it is my turn after he is done instructing.

He has been obsessing with learning more about War Storm in the last couple of weeks, so I started to teach him the first few things I learned about battle axes. He got a little bit pissy when I brought out a practice version of my baby. He doesn't seem to understand how vital it is to connect with a beginner's mindset. So after a heart-to-heart regarding his ego, we got to work.

The sun is high in the sky while we practice more advanced movements. He truly is a natural. I already plan on getting his ax forged once we get back to Velaris. We both fall to the ground breathing heavily and ready for breakfast. Scooping up all our stuff, we quickly put everything away and headed inside to eat. Nuala and Cerridwen seemed to have dropped off some groceries while we were out; the kitchen is now stocked. I even spot a few of my favorite snacks from Earth, meaning Scottie and Gemma must've made a supply run.

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