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"We do not see things as they are, we see thing as WE are."- Anias Nin


We end up in a giant mansion built into the side of a mountain overlooking the whole city

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We end up in a giant mansion built into the side of a mountain overlooking the whole city. Our hosts, who were all fascinated by the fact that we can fly and have no wings, show us to our rooms. Promptly passing out after we are shown to our rooms. An entire night engaging in combat after portaling to a different realm, and using magic really knocks you on your ass

I wake up first and wander around this massive room. A bed that could sleep the Brady Bunch comfortably takes up just a fraction of the room. A closet and seating area take up the remaining space. A massive balcony sits to the right situated near the bathroom

The sultan couldn't even begin to imagine this place

Soft grays, greens, and deep purple's dominate the space. Put simply, this place is magnificent.

I find my way to the bathroom to shower only to find the bath already filled with hot soapy water. Viscera and sweat still cover my body. And my muscles ache. I decided a nice long soak is just what the doctor ordered. I lean back with a sigh into the tub and send a small sliver of my power out around me. I don't feel any danger. But that feeling in my gut from earlier is still there.

Something here is still calling to me.

I find vanilla and mint shampoo and set to work cleaning the skirmish off of me. I methodically work the knots out with the heavenly smelling shampoo and equally wonderful conditioner. By the time I am done scrubbing my skin it's pink and slightly sore.

I get out of the dingy water and wash my face. These have got to be the fluffiest towels I have ever used in my life. Putting on a pair of blue jeans and a loose hufflepuff tee. I go out to rouse my sisters. They are both stirring from their slumber; very slowly.

"Okay drama queens. Get cleaned up." I say while I put on my docs

With a few middle fingers and some colorful language I get their asses up and into the bath. When they emerge clean and lively the excitement of the situation really settles on us. This isn't our first rodeo, but every time we come to a new realm it is still exciting.

"Shall we explore a bit?" I ask

"Oh hell yes" they reply excitedly

We could get lost in this place. Labyrinthine hallways lead to rooms large enough to host entire symphony orchestras, training spaces that would make the Olympic council weep, and libraries that could put Alexandria to shame. We spent most of the day rummaging around the house, but were too cautious to cause a huge ruckus.

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