Wʰᵃᵗ Iᶠ Yᵒᵘ Fˡʸ?

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"You are your only limit"


❗️ Spice Inbound ❗️


I stir awake with the sun cresting over the horizon

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I stir awake with the sun cresting over the horizon. The sun's rays are refracted through the thin membrane of Azriel's wing, which is currently curled around me. I turn as slowly as I can in his arms so as not to wake him. His face is once again serene as I lay there and study him. He was dreaming, at least, that is how it felt down the bond.

Feyre had spent some time explaining to me what that meant. I had never really heard of being able to communicate via a mating bond before, and the first few time Azriel tried, I thought I was losing my mind for just a second. Of course, he found it endlessly amusing, but I got back at him.

He brings me closer to his chest, and I nuzzle into him, inhaling deeply, god I don't think I will ever get tired of the way he smells. I look up at him and smile, tracing his jaw with the pad of my thumb.

"You're staring."

"Guilty as charged," I admit with a rough chuckle. Before I can think of what to add, Azriel has me on my back and settled between my thighs. I can feel him through the thin layer of my shorts, and I shiver with anticipation. We haven't had more than a quickie in an empty room since we returned, and I think I am losing my mind.

Hitching my leg higher on Azriel's hip, I bring him closer to me; he stifles a groan against my neck as I run my hand between his wings. I take extra care to not touch his wings but to dig my nails into the soft skin, which makes my mate shiver.

"Is that how you want to play it, little one?" his voice carries a hint of warning, but his hazel eyes portray nothing but desire.

"Yes, sir," my reply is more like a breathy moan. Jesus, fuck I need him inside me like yesterday.

His eyes search my face as a wolfish grin spreads across his disturbingly pretty face. He slowly raised my hands above my head, holding them in place while he had a rope of shadows to secure me to the headboard. He nipped at my ear and neck the whole time, causing the ache between my thighs to intensify.

Searching for any friction to relieve my need, I started bucking slowly against Azriel. But he just chuckled and moved farther down my body. The tunic I was wearing was suddenly torn open, exposing my breasts to the morning air, my pebbled nipples were begging for attention, and my mate gladly answered the call. Without the use of my hands, I was helpless in the most delicious way.

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