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"Chin up, kiddo. They'd kill to see you fall."


❗️TW/CW: Mentions of Rape &SA❗️


Well, it is safe to say that yesterday was a shit show

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Well, it is safe to say that yesterday was a shit show. My body is so wrecked that Rhys is sending Madja to me. I will say that is one thing I'm kinda jealous of the Fae here in Prythian for. They heal so quickly.

I am alone in bed with the blankets pulled over my head, hoping it somehow camouflages me from the rest of the world. I haven't eaten anything since breakfast yesterday, and my stomach is so loud the entire house can probably hear it. Three soft knocks alert me to someone at my door. With a humph, I sit up and let them know they can come in.

"I thought you could use some food?" Audra says from the doorway. She is carrying a tray with a glass of water and a plate of food.

I tore into the steak and eggs my sister brought me and chugged the glass of water. Aurdra sits quietly next to me, awaiting what I am sure is an explanation for my current situation. But that is the thing about Audra. She never pushes. I run my fingers through my hair, attempting to rid it of the tangles while I explain what The Bone Carver wanted.

I slept most of the day, and I'm not feeling nearly as drained as last night, but I can't keep the emotionless tone from my voice. Detaching myself from yet another task I have to complete. By the time all is said and done, will I have any parts of my soul left?

Look at things from my perspective. I have to serve up one part of myself to satisfy a millennia-old bargain I had no role in making. Then to add gas to the fire, I have to kill the ones that are going to kill me. Looking at things from a logical perspective, it makes sense. Those three won't be expecting me to deliver a killing blow.

Based on everything I have read and my two terse interactions with them, I know they are powerful. One wrong move and I am wiped off the face of the planet and am putting my friends and family's lives in danger. Just another day, I guess.

Before Audra can impart some of her best big sister wisdom, Madja lets herself into my room and examines my injuries. She takes her time making sure no bones are broken. Thankfully, I didn't break or fracture anything last night. She removes seven of my ten toenails before applying a thin layer of goo that seals the open sores running up and down my feet and ankles.

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