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February 17th, 8:30 am
I woke up to sunlight beaming down on my face, and I realized I didn't shut my curtains last night. It's Monday, but we have the day off because Hotch had to go to some FBI seminar thing.

I look down and see JJ still curled up in my arms from last night. She looks so peaceful that I don't want to wake her up. But the universe has other plans.

My phone starts to buzz with new text messages. I quickly silence the phone but I could already feel JJ starting to stir. I glance at the messages and see they're from Will. I'll answer them later. He can wait.

JJ's eyes flutter open as she turns around so we're face to face. "Good morning." I whispered, our faces merely inches apart. "Is it Monday?" She asks, with a look of concern on her face. "Yes it's Monday." I told her. She let out an exasperated sigh. "Why are you so upset it's Monday?" I asked her. "Neither of us have work."

"I have a doctors appointment." She frowned. I sat up, and leaned against the headboard. "What's so bad about a doctors appointment?"

"I hate hospitals." She said, pulling the blankets over her head. JJ had never mentioned hating hospitals before, so I guess it's a new thing.

I pulled the blankets back down so I could see her again. "Well no ditching doctors appointments on my watch." I said, with a hint of a smile. She just rolled her eyes at me. "Do you want me to take you?" I asked her. "I have nothing to do."

"Are you sure? I don't want to bother you." She sighed. "You're never ever bothering me JJ. I'm happy to go with you." JJ smiled at me.

I grabbed my phone to check the messages from Will.

Will: Jennifer doesn't have her phone on her. Can you tell her I'm working and I'll be home tonight?
Will: Also I think she has a doctors appointment today

I texted Will back that I'd let her know. I said she had remembered the doctors appointment, and she was going. I left out the part that I was going with her, because I didn't want to make it a thing.

I turned back to JJ. "Will said to tell you he's working today and he'll be home tonight." I told her. She ran her hands through her hair. "What do I say to him?" She asked, almost on the verge of tears. "He hates me."

"JJ I'm sure he doesn't hate you." I assured her. "Just tell him the truth. He'll understand."

I got out of bed, and pulled her up too. "Why don't you go downstairs and eat something for breakfast. I'll be down soon." I told her. She nodded and headed downstairs.

I headed to the bathroom and brushed my teeth. I pulled out my laptop and responded to a quick work email that I had totally forgotten about last night. I was about to take a quick shower, when I heard someone talking downstairs. Curious, I headed down to see who it was.

I walked into the kitchen and found Garcia, talking to JJ who was sitting at the island drinking coffee. "Hey Garcia?" I said, joining them. "Hello Ms. Tattoos." Penelope laughed, raising an eyebrow. I just chuckled. I forgot the fact that I was wearing a sports bra and Nike shorts. I've always had a few tattoos, but I got a couple more when I went to Paris. I guess they were pretty noticeable.

"So what're you doing here?" I asked her. "My spidey-sense told me that something was wrong." She smiled. "Also Will called me and said he couldn't find JJ. He said she came here so I wanted to see if you were okay." She said, looking over at JJ. "I'm fine." She said with a fake smile, taking a sip of coffee.

"Well I'm going to go take a shower." I said, standing behind JJ. "Also, coffee: not breakfast." I leaned down and placed a light kiss on the top of her head. "Eat some real food please."

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