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January 15th, 11:00 am
JJ and I are officially homeowners. We ended up getting the house, and the paperwork had just gone through. We told the team we were moving, but they haven't seen the house yet.

JJ said she wanted it to at least start getting stuff in before we showed it to people. To have a better "effect" or something. I'm not really sure.

We don't have a case today, even though it's Thursday. When we're not working we have spent most of our time packing.

Right now we were both at JJ's old place. She really didn't have much stuff, because she was hardly ever home. A lot of it was Will's and he took it with him when he left.

We had basically packed all of her stuff into boxes, and now we were just finishing the bedroom.

"JJ come on, we're almost done." I said, dragging her off the bed. "Ugh fine." She groaned, getting up. "Moving is hard."

"We've only been working for an hour." I smiled. "It felt like a year."

"Well like I said, we're almost done." I said, folding some clothes and throwing them in a box.

We spent the next half an hour finishing and closing all the boxes, and then moving them downstairs. We had hired movers to take everything to the new house, so that shouldn't be too much of a problem.

We had decided to sell most of the furniture and get new stuff. JJ was in charge of the decorating because I'm not very good at it.

After we were done we headed back over to my house. It had a lot of mine and JJ's stuff, and it was about halfway packed.

I pulled into the driveway, and we went up to the front door. "We've still got work to do." I said, letting us in.

"Can I sleep first?" She mumbled, looking around at the mess of boxes. "Fine. Not too long, I want to actually get stuff done."

JJ laid down on the couch, and switched on the tv. I sat by her head, and she moved to lay in my lap. I began to play with her hair and she fell asleep within a few seconds.

After around an hour, I decided to finally wake her up. "JJ." I whispered, kissing her face. "Come on, wake up."

She rolled over, squinting her eyes. "What time is it?" She asked me. "Almost 1. You gotta get up."

She let me pull her up right, and nearly toppled over in the process. "The movers are heading to your place today. All that stuff should be in the new house by tomorrow."

JJ nodded, still very sleepy and hardly paying attention. "We've got 1/2 of the house left. We do half today and half tomorrow and then we'll be done. It's better to just get it over with." I said, kissing the side of her head. "I guess." She sighed. "Alright. Let's start then before you fall back asleep."

For the next 5 hours straight we worked non stop. It was awful, but successful. We ended up getting more like 9/10 of the packing done, and we'll finish up tomorrow.

I decided to just order takeout for dinner because we were both exhausted. We ate, took a shower, and then basically collapsed into bed.

JJ had her head on my chest, her eyes barely open as I rubbed little circles on her back. "You know what this means?"

"What?" She mumbled sleepily. "Since we're almost done packing the next thing to do it decorating. And that's all you."

I could see her smile slightly. "I like that." She whispered. "I know you do baby. I'm also bad at it which is why you're going to have to do everything."

She giggled, snuggling closer to me. We probably won't actually move into the house until next week, because we have to get enough furniture in it to live first.

Crash & Burn x Jemily Where stories live. Discover now