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July 4th, 12:00 pm
"Come on JJ, we're going to be late." I said, taking her hand and leading her away from the bathroom. She was trying to fix her hair claiming it looked "messy". Her hair looked fine.

"You look beautiful. Now we really have to go." I kissed her lips as we headed out to the car. "My stomach looks weird." She said, looking down. She was wearing a blue dress that was covered in little white flowers.

"No it doesn't. Your stomach has a baby in it." I smiled, keeping one hand on the steering wheel and placing one hand on her belly. You couldn't really feel anything through the dress because the baby's kicks were so light.

JJ sighed, leaning her head against the window. I took her hand and kissed it. "You look very beautiful. It's a fact."

"Thank you Em." She said softly.

We arrived at Rossi's house, he insisted on hosting it. Mostly because he just loves having people over to his mansion.

I parked the car and we knocked on the door. Everyone was already there, because we were just a bit late. Rossi opened the door, smiling. "And our guest of honor is here!"

JJ smiled as we walked inside. "Thank you for hosting this.. whatever you call it thingy."

Penelope walked over to us. "This "thingy" has a name. Jemily's baby party!"

"I will not be calling it that." JJ grinned. "Fine. Don't use the best party name that has ever existed." Penelope playfully rolled her eyes.

We went into the backyard where everyone was hanging out. There was a lot of food, and some music playing. There was a big black balloon with a question mark on it. We'd gotten it filled with color, so JJ could pop it. I was actually very curious what the gender was, but I'd be happy whether it was a boy or a girl.

There was a table piled with gifts on it. I'm pretty sure almost half were from Penelope. Everyone went to hug JJ and me, obsessing over her belly. I think it made her a little uncomfortable, but she didn't say anything.

We started walking around a little, and just hung out with everyone. Tara made a game called 'pin the eye on the baby' which just sounds creepy, but god in real life it's so much worse.

After a few hours we all ended up sitting around the couch outside. It was sunny and hot, but still fun. JJ curled up next to me and I put my arm around her waist.

Her face looked a little red, so I pressed my palm to her forehead which was warm from the sun. "Are you drinking enough water? Do you want me to go get you some?" I asked, feeling her neck.

"It's fine. I drank some earlier." She mumbled, as I pressed a kiss to her head. "You're super warm. Did you put on sunscreen?"

She shook her head. "JJ. Not good." I sighed. I grabbed my sunglasses from my purse, putting them on her face. "You're going to get a migraine."

"How do you know that?" She countered. "Because I know you. When you're in the sun too long you get migraines. I noticed it one of my first cases during the summer."

She frowned, cuddling closer to me. I kissed her temple, running my fingers through her hair. She started to squirm a little and put her hands on her stomach. I could see the same nervous look in her eye that was there a few nights ago.

"The same butterfly feeling?" I asked her softly. She nodded, twitching slightly. I placed my hands around her belly, caressing it gently. It seemed to calm JJ down, and the baby too.

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