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September 18th, 6:00 am
We had flown back from a case at around 5:00 am this morning, so Hotch let us go home.

I drove JJ and me home because she can barely stand anymore. The second we got home she flopped down onto the couch. "Everything hurts." She groaned.

She was just past 8 months now, so extremely close to her due date. "One more month sweetie." I sat down next to her, kissing her forehead.

"My feet hurt. My head hurts. My stomach hurts. She won't stop kicking me. My boobs feel like they're going to fall off. My ankles are the size of Texas. I am ready for this month to be over."

"You know you can always stop working right? Go on maternity leave a little early." I suggested. JJ kept refusing to stop working.

"I'm not stopping work until this baby comes flying out of me."

"I figured. Do you want to go take a nap?" I asked her. The truth is, I needed her to be asleep for a few hours. I have a surprise for her.

"Aren't we going to Rossi's for dinner?" She asked. Rossi was having a family dinner tonight since we had basically the whole day off. "Yes. But that's at 6pm. Right now it's 6am."

"Then I'm going to sleep for the next 12 hours." She sighed. "Okay." I smiled. "You do that."

I followed her upstairs and into our room. She stripped from her clothes, and crawled into the blankets.

"I'm going to the store. Call me if you need anything." I told her. She nodded. I leaned down and kissed her softly. "Goodnight baby."

11:30 am
JJ would never ask me to buy her a car. Actually JJ would never ask me to buy her anything. That's why giving her any kind of gift is always a little bit of a struggle.

But I know she wants a new car. Hers is pretty old, and really doesn't work too well. I've seen her looking at cars, but never admits she wants to get one.

I know she was worried about the safety features on her car with the baby coming. I had already chosen the car I wanted to get her so now I just needed to go pick it up.

I took a taxi to the dealership and was there for over 2 hours arguing with an idiot.

Eventually it worked out though. I hoped JJ was still asleep when I got home and wouldn't ask me what took so long.

I drove the new car back to our house. I moved JJ's old car into the garage and parked the new one in the driveway so she'd see it when she came out.

When I was finally home I went up to go check on JJ and she was still asleep.

I smiled, watching her for a few seconds. I carefully kissed her forehead and then hopped in the shower.

I quickly showered and then got out and dressed. When I left the bathroom I saw JJ was awake and sitting in bed on her phone.

"You're awake?" I asked, brushing out my wet hair. "Yeah. Sleeping is hard. And the baby is hungry."

"Alright." I chuckled. "Let's go get 'the baby' some food." I pulled her up because she can't really get up on her own. She threw on a t shirt and we headed downstairs.

I looked through the fridge and she sat down at the island. "We have soup, rice, cereal, a sandwich, pasta, chicken, or Mac and cheese. Take your pick."

"Rice please." She mumbled, laying her head down on the counter. I made her a bowl of rice and warmed it up.

I set it down in front of her but she didn't pick her head up. She didn't move at all actually.

Crash & Burn x Jemily Where stories live. Discover now