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July 4th, 8:45 pm
We had just gotten home from the baby shower, JJ completely exhausted. We had taken all the gifts home, and JJ was going to open them tomorrow. I think she had fun today. I decided we could have the conversation about her eating tomorrow, because today I want us to both just be happy.

We brought everything inside, finally closing and locking the front door. JJ stumbled her way up the stairs, nearly falling at the top.

I grabbed her before she could. "I think we need to get you in bed soon." I laughed, as we walked into our room. "Will you shower with me?" She asked softly.

"Of course." We made it into the bathroom and I turned the water to hot. I pulled off her shirt, and slid off her pants. I unclipped her bra letting it fall to the floor, and she sighed happily.

"My boobs hurt." She complained, as I took off my own clothes. She took off her underwear, and we both stepped in the shower. "I'm sorry baby." I kissed her lightly. "All comes with the joys of being pregnant."

She wasn't amused with me. I grabbed a wash cloth, pouring some lavender body wash in it. "Just relax." I whispered, as she leaned against my body.

I took the wash cloth and gently started rubbing it over her back. She breathed deeply and let her head drop to my shoulder. I kissed it and continued to run the wash cloth over her body.

After a while we got out, JJ barely staying awake. She was really tired and I don't think she was feeling well.

I helped dry her off with a towel, laying her down on the bed. "Em- what are... are you doing.." She could barely get the sentence out.

"Shhh just relax baby." I brushed her hair aside. "I'm giving you a massage."

I took some lotion in my hand, gently massaging it into her shoulders. She let out a deep breath. I continued to massage down her back until I found a particularly tight spot. "Mmmm that feels good." She sighed, her eyes fluttering shut.

I kissed the center of her back, moving down to her legs. After around 5 more minutes, she fell fast asleep. I carefully slid her into some underwear and a shirt, and then pulled the covers over her.

I laid down next to her, wrapping my arms around her waist. I kissed her forehead, whispering, "Goodnight sweetie."

10:30 am
Today was Sunday, so we both slept in. I woke up around 9, but JJ was still fast asleep.

I worked downstairs for a little while, until finally I went back up. I knew that if I didn't wake her up now she'd probably not sleep well tonight.

I went back up and cracked the bedroom door open. It looked like she was sleeping. I kneeled down in front of her, gently rubbing her arm. "Jen it's time to wake up baby." She didn't move. "Come on JJ, you have to wake up."

She groaned, not opening her eyes. "JJ you gotta get up honey. Come on, wake up."

She groaned again, but this time it sounded more like a cry. She covered her ears with her hands, shaking her head back and forth and curling up her legs.

"Jen?" I said softly, sitting on the edge of the bed. I stroked her hair behind her ears. "What's going on baby?"

"Too bright." She mumbled, squeezing her eyes tighter. I got up, shutting the blinds and the curtains. I turned off the lights and shut the door, sitting back down next to her.

"Does that feel better?" I felt her forehead with my palm. It felt a bit warm, but I couldn't really tell if she had a fever or not. My best guess is a migraine, from all the sun and stress yesterday.

Crash & Burn x Jemily Where stories live. Discover now