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April 4th, 7:05 am
Today was Saturday, which I personally love. Saturdays are fun when we don't have cases, because we can do nothing all day.

JJ had just woken up, and she was pretty out of it. She kept inaudibly whining. "Emilyyy," More whining.

"I'm right here baby." I sighed, stroking her hair. She  stomped her foot on the bed, and tried to crawl directly on top of me.

She cuddled her head into my shoulder, and wrapped her arms and legs around me, trying to get impossibly closer. "You're awfully snuggly this morning." I smiled, kissing her head. "Emilyyyy." She whined again. "Wake up!"

"I am awake sweetie." I looked at her eyes that were  barely open. "You.. the case... you have to.." She tried to form a sentence that wasn't cooperating with her.

"You're just dreaming. You want to go back to sleep?" I asked her softly. "Noooo... the case.."

I realized I should probably just play along. "The case? What's it about?"

"You... go house.. you go." Her eyes dropped shut. "I have to go to the house? Are you coming with me?"

"I.. I go... the house." Her breathing evened out and she fell back asleep.

8:06 am
I hadn't moved from the bed since JJ woke up an hour ago. I felt her stir again, and then her eyes opened. "Emily.."

She was still laying directly on top of me. "Good morning sleepyhead. Are you more awake now?" I joked.

"I'm awake." She whispered, leaning up and kissing me. "Do you remember this morning?" I laughed. "What?" She asked me, confused.

"You woke up an hour ago. You climbed on top of me, and then kept telling me to wake up and whining about a case I had to help you with."

She blushed a tiny bit. "Oh. I don't remember."

"It was very cute." I smiled, kissing her head. That made her cheeks turn even more red.

"Do you remember what we're doing today?" I asked her. She yawned, thinking for a second. Suddenly her face lights up. "The ultrasound." She smiled.

"The ultrasound." I repeated, a smile forming on my face. JJ was around 9 weeks pregnant at this point, which meant she was getting her first ultrasound. That also meant the first trimester was coming to an end.

Our conversation was interrupted when JJ put her hand over her mouth, running into the bathroom. Another thing that's been happening. Morning sickness.

I looked it up and supposedly that should also end during the second trimester. I think that'll be good because the sickness is really taking a toll on JJ.

I got out of bed, kneeling down behind her and pulling her hair back. Finally when she was done, she flushed the toilet and leaned back into my arms.

"Good morning." I smiled down at her. She glared at me, not very amused. "Alright let's go eat some breakfast. Usually you're not so grumpy after."

"I'm not grumpy." She insisted. Her lips were formed in a pout and her glare was still lingering.

"Okay, okay, fine. You're not grumpy. Will you still eat some breakfast?"

"Let me brush my teeth. I'll be down in a minute." She said, grabbing her toothbrush from the sink. I nodded, heading downstairs.

I popped some bread in the toaster, because that's one of the things that doesn't make JJ super nauseous.

Around 5 minutes later JJ came down, and I set the toast in front of her. I poured myself a bowl of cereal, and sat down next to her. "We need a stroller." JJ said, before taking a bite of toast. "What?"

Crash & Burn x Jemily Where stories live. Discover now