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July 19th, 8:00 am
It's Monday morning, which means back to work. We had just gotten to the bau, and JJ went up to her office. When we don't have cases it gets a little boring. I know it's good that there's no major serial killers out there, but still.

The day seemed to go by pretty slow. I was working on my paper work which seemed to get more and more boring the longer I did it.

A little while later Garcia came out and pulled a chair over to my desk. That usually meant she was about to tell me something interesting.

"What's up?" I asked, putting down my pen. "You're wedding is in a few weeks." She stated. "That's true." I laughed.

"Well after a wedding comes a honeymoon. Did you guys plan that yet?" She asked me. "Yes, actually we did. But we're not telling anyone on the team where, so you won't bother us." I chuckled.

She rolled her eyes playfully. "Not even your best friend? I feel betrayed."

"I think JJ's going to feel betrayed. Aren't you her best friend?"

"Yes." Penelope spun around in her chair. "You can have more than one best friend. Duh."

"I wouldn't know that. I didn't have friends growing up." I smiled.

Garcia looked at me, amused and concerned at the same time. She ended up changing the topic. "Are you going somewhere with a beach? Will you come home with lots of beach photos? If you do I want all of them."

"No details. You'll find out when we get back." I grinned.

I saw JJ see us through the window, and then come out of her office. She walked down the stairs and sat on the edge of my desk. "Well hello to you." I smiled.

JJ frowned. "Were you gossiping without me? How rude!"

I chuckled, pulling her into my lap. I gently swayed us back and forth on the chair. "No we weren't. Garcia was just asking about our honey moon."

"That's a secret." JJ smiled. "And that's what I told her."

JJ rested against my shoulder. Then Derek came and walked over to my desk. "Having a party without me? Wow!"

"It's a girls only party. Sorry." I leaned down and kissed JJ's lips.

"That's pda. I can sue you know!" He laughed. JJ leaned closer to me. "Don't be jealous. We all know you wish you were me."

"JJ the entire floor wishes they were you. I'm not special." He shook his head. I kissed JJ's head. "I love you." I whispered into her ear.

"You guys are so cute its disgusting. I'm going to go throw up. Goodbye." Derek walked back over to his desk, JJ and I still laughing softly.

"He's right JJ. Everyone is jealous of you. You're hot, blonde, and work for the fbi. You're marrying and having a child with a rich, hot, FBI agent." Penelope laughed.

5:30 pm
JJ and I got home pretty early. She immediately kicked off her shoes, crashing down onto the couch.

"Being pregnant is exhausting." She groaned, leaning further into the pillow. I sat down by her head and rubbed her back.

"Just a few more months. Then you can love the baby from the outside." I smiled. "Yeah but those few months feel like years." She sighed, running her hand over her stomach.

"She's very bouncy today huh?" I rested my hand over JJ's. "She's kicking like crazy. I think she wants out."

"A few more months. A few more months Jen." I chuckled, kissing her forehead. "Dinner ideas?"

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