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December 20th, 5:48 pm
JJ came walking down the stairs, and my jaw literally dropped. "Do you like it?" She asked shyly, spinning around.

Today was the day of the gala. We were actually supposed to leave in 15 minutes. JJ had just finished getting ready, so I finally got to see the end result.

"You look absolutely stunning." I gaped, my eyes roaming up and down. The dress was a sage green colour, and went nearly to the floor. It was a spaghetti strap top with an open back, and a slit up the leg.

"I never thought I'd get to date a princess." I grinned, kissing her. She blushed, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

"You look amazing too." She smiled, looking me up and down. My dress was simpler. It was darkish red and went down to just above my knees. 

"Thank you." I smiled, kissing her forehead. I twirled her around a few times just so I could see the full dress again.

Finally it was time to go. My mom had gotten us a limo, that was picking all of the team up. We headed outside and got in, seeing Penelope and Derek were already inside.

Derek let out a low whistle. "Looking good." He smirked. I rolled my eyes, shoving his chest. "In your dreams Morgan."

"You guys do look great." Penelope smiled. "Thank you Pen." JJ responded.

We drove around picking up the rest of the team. I don't think I've ever seen everyone so dressed up before.

When we finally arrived to the house we all thanked the driver, and made our way inside. Of course there was already like a million people inside.

Everyone sort of went there own way. Hotch and Rossi started to mingle with the higher ups, for obvious reasons. Derek started to not so subtly flirt with women, and Tara and Reid went to god knows where.

The house was my mothers, that she's had for a very long time. I didn't spend to much of my childhood here, but I do remember it. When I lived with my mom I'm pretty sure we only stayed in this house for a couple years. I always loved it though.

Finally my mother found me, and dragged me away to go talk to people. I left JJ alone, but she really didn't mind. She was talking to everyone and clearly having a great time. Everyone she met seemed to love her. But I mean it's JJ, what's not to love?

"You do realize I don't remember any of these people?" I laughed, as my mother went to find one of her old friends. "I know, but these are my friends. They want to meet you."

We came across the woman she was looking for. Again, I didn't recognize her at all. She was about the age of my mother with dark brown hair and green eyes. "Rosalie! I'm glad you could come. This is my daughter Emily." She introduced us.

"Oh yes I remember you! God you were so tiny when we met in France." She smiled. I nodded politely, even though I didn't know what she was talking about. "Good to see you." I said.

After they talked for a few minutes I was dragged on to the next person. This went on for quite a while.

After what felt like a million years my mother stopped walking. She leaned against the back wall and watched all the people in the living room.

I stood next to her, trying to see what she was looking at. "That girl. The blonde one. She's on your team? Correct?" My mother asked me.

"Yeah that's JJ." I nodded. "Why?"

"Are you seeing her?"

I chuckled to myself softly. "Is it really that obvious?" My mother hesitated before answering. "Yes. I think so. It's obvious in the way you look at her."

Crash & Burn x Jemily Where stories live. Discover now