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July 5th, 6:45 am
I had gotten ready for work, and I needed to leave soon. I went into our bedroom where JJ was still asleep.

"Jen. Wake up sweetie." I sat on the edge of the bed and gently shook her awake. She groaned, opening her eyes. "Good morning." I leaned down and kissed her. "I have to go soon."

She pouted, hugging onto my waist. "I'm tired."

"I know. You can go back to sleep soon. I made you some food and it's downstairs in the fridge." I told her. "I got you a bottle of Gatorade and a bottle of water. I want you to finish them both by the time I get home okay?" I showed her the bottles I set on her end table.

She nodded. "Call me if you need anything. I'll keep my phone on." I brushed her hair out of the way, kissing her forehead. "I'll miss you." She sighed.

"I'll be home before you know it. And I'll miss you too. Try and go back to sleep. Bye sweetie." I smiled, brushing her cheek. "Bye Emily." She said, closing her eyes again.

The bau, 8:00 am
"And where is blondie this morning?" Morgan asked, as I walked into the bullpen. "Sick."

"Really? Is she okay?" Spencer asked, just as Garcia walked up. "No. She's not." She answered for me. "It sounds like she should go to the doctors."

"Is it that bad?" Derek asked. "No. She's fine." I rolled my eyes. "She's just not feeling good."

"Wasn't she crying in the shower yesterday." Garcia said. "Wait how bad is it?" Spencer asked. I held my head in my hands. "JJ is fine. She's not feeling good and that's it. You guys mind your own business."

3:00 pm
"Hotch can we just go home?" Morgan complained, as we all sat around the round table. Everyone has finished paperwork and we were eating a late lunch.

"You do realize this is your actual job right?" He said. Morgan sighed, picking at his food again.

Just as I was finishing my sandwich I heard my phone ring. "I'll be right back." I said, throwing away my trash and stepping outside of the room.

"Emily." It was JJ on the phone. "Hey! How's it going?" I asked her. I thought I heard her start to softly cry. "JJ? What's wrong?"

"The baby keeps kicking me and my stomach is hurting." She whispered. "It's hurting? What do you mean?"

"It's hurting." She repeated. "Do you want me to come home? I can try and see what's going on?" I'm pretty sure that she meant the baby was kicking her and it was uncomfortable, but I'm not really sure.

"No. You don't have to come home." She said. "I wanted to call you though. I miss you."

"I miss you too Jen. Are you sure you're okay?" I asked. "Yes." She said. "When will you be back?"

"Probably around 5ish. I love you baby." I really wanted to see her. "I love you too."

She hung up, and I went back into the round table room. I know she's going to be fine, but I still don't like leaving her.

4:30 pm
Hotch had let me go a little early, so I was home now. I unlocked the front door, walking inside.

"JJ!" I called, looking around. I found her upstairs, sitting in bed and cuddling my pillow. She had her shirt rolled up and was repeating something to her stomach. Tears were in her eyes. I cracked the door a little more so I could hear her.

"Emily's coming soon. She'll make you feel better. Emily will make you feel better. She's coming soon. Emily's going to make you feel better. She makes me feel better."

I knocked on the frame of the door, walking inside. "Hey baby."

I sat next to her on the edge of the bed. "What's going on?" I asked her. "She's mad at me!" JJ cried, staring at her stomach.

Crash & Burn x Jemily Where stories live. Discover now