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October 6th, 6:45 pm
After JJ actually had the baby everything calmed down a little.

She had refused to let go of her though, so they did all the newborn exams with her still laying on her chest.

They got JJ cleaned up and everything, so now I was just letting her calm down a little before the team came in.

"She's so tiny." JJ smiled, adjusting her little hat. "You think we can weigh her now?" One of the nurses asked her.

JJ frowned, looking down at our baby. "We're going to give her right back to you. I promise." She assured her. "Okay." JJ agreed, carefully handing her to the nurse.

The second the baby got pulled away from JJ, she began to cry. JJ started getting upset too. "I want her back!" She said, reaching out to grab her.

"Give her a second baby." I soothed. "They're going to weigh her and give her right back to you."

They quickly weighed her, and then handed her back to JJ. Her face pressed up against JJ's chest, and she stopped crying.

"She's 5 lbs 4 oz." She told us. "Isn't that a little small?" I asked. "She's just barely underweight. Only by an ounce. It really shouldn't be a problem. She should regain her birth weight within the next 10-14 days."

I nodded and so did JJ. But I could tell she wasn't really paying attention. JJ had her knuckle in the babies mouth and she was gently sucking on it.

"Emily look." JJ grabbed my hand, pulling me closer. "She opened her eyes."

"Wow." I admired. "She looks just like you." I kissed the top of JJ's head. She did look very similar to JJ. She had golden blonde hair and light pink lips. Her eyes were bright blue just like JJ's.

"Let's get you some real food. Then we can bring the team in here if you want. Or you can just rest."

"I want them to come." She said. "Okay. I'm going to go down to the cafeteria. Will you be okay?" I asked her. She nodded.

I kissed her gently and then kissed the baby's head. I quickly went and bought her a sandwich and a soda.

I came back up, putting them on the table in front of her. I tried to take the baby from her so she could eat, but she wouldn't move.

"You need to eat, JJ. Let me hold her for a few minutes."

JJ shook her head. "As soon as you're done I'll give her right back. I promise." JJ was having a little bit of an extra hard time letting her go.

Reluctantly, she gently handed her over to me. This was the first time I actually held her. She didn't cry when JJ let her go, which I think helped the situation.

She was very small, and very light. She opened her eyes, blinking slowly at me. "You're very beautiful." I smiled. "Just like your mom."

JJ started to inhale her food, which was either because she was starving from hours of labour, or she just wanted her baby back.

"Easy, JJ. Don't choke sweetie." I laughed, rocking the baby back and forth gently.

After JJ was done she immediately took her back into her arms. She cradled her head, staring down at her lovingly.

"Jen you know they're going to take her to the nursery tonight right? To sleep." I told her. JJ looked at me in shock. "No."

"You need to rest baby. She'll be okay." I told her. "No. I don't want them to take her away from me." She insisted.

"I promise she'll be okay. Then you'll see her in the morning." 

JJ pouted, holding her a little tighter. I tiled her face up, kissing it gently. "Not yet though right?" She asked. "Not yet. When it's nighttime."

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