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July 11th, 9:00 am
A lot's been going on recently. Penelope was getting on our ass about being so far behind with wedding planning, so we've been doing a lot.

We picked a venue, it's very woodsy and I really like it. We have a guest list and most of the decorations are done. There's a good amount more that we still need to do, but we're making good progress.

Today JJ is picking out a wedding dress. She refused to let me see it or go with her because it's bad luck. So Penelope and Tara are going with her.

I already have what I'm going to wear. It's a white dress, but a bit simpler than a normal wedding dress. I bought it a few weeks ago when JJ was busy. She hasn't seen it yet, but I hope she likes it.

Penelope and Tara will probably be here soon to pick her up, and right now JJ's sitting on top of me on the couch.

"It's too early in the morning." She whined, closing her eyes. "JJ it is 9am. It's very late in the morning."

She leaned against my chest. "But I'm tired. And your baby's tired too. So be nice."

"I'm sorry." I smiled, kissing her head. "I would say you should go to sleep but then you'll be very late."

She rolled her eyes. "Whatever. I don't care." She was on the verge of falling asleep.

I brushed her cheek to keep her awake. "Aren't you excited? You were so happy about picking one out last night."

"I am excited." She said, with a small smile. "I'm also tired."

"Well maybe when you're up and walking you'll be less tired. I don't think laying on me is helping give your body the right signal because you usually use me as a pillow at night."

"You're comfy." She snuggled in closer to me. "I'm not sure if that's a compliment, but I'm just going to pretend it is."

I leaned up her face to give her a kiss. Then the doorbell rang. "Well no sleeping for you. Come on, you have to go."

I pulled her up and opened the door. Penelope and Tara were both there. "Are you ready JJ? This is going to be the best day of your life!" Penelope squealed. "Oh yeah besides my actual wedding and the birth of my child." She laughed softly.

"Whatever. It's going to be fun." Penelope said, a wide grin on her face. Tara looked a little less amused, but still happy.

"Make sure she eats enough. And she drinks lots of water. Don't eat a bunch of junk or it'll make you nauseous." I combed her hair through my fingers. "She's going to be fine." Penelope playfully rolled her eyes.

"I know, I know." I sighed. I pulled her face up and gave her a gentle kiss. "Be safe. I love you."

"I love you too. Bye." She waved to me as she walked out the door.

3:00 pm
JJ has been gone for a while now. I texted her like five times to see if she was okay, and she responded pretty quickly. She said she was having fun so I'm not too worried.

I decided to head to the grocery store because we were running low on food. I grabbed my shoes and headed out.

Around 45 minutes later I was back home and I saw Penelope's car in the driveway. I walked inside and saw her sitting on the couch.

"You're home!" She said, getting up. "Yeah. I just went to the grocery store." I set the bags down on the counter. "Where's JJ?"

"She's upstairs taking a nap. She said she was pretty tired. I wanted to stay here until you got home so she wouldn't be alone."

Crash & Burn x Jemily Where stories live. Discover now