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Maui, Hawaii
10:45 am
"I think we have to actually get up now." I started peppering kisses onto JJ's face.

"Mmm." She groaned, her eyes barely opening. "I need more sleep."

"You've been asleep forever. You need to get up. And eat breakfast."

I looked around our hotel room and checked the time. It was almost 11 am already.

JJ flipped over onto her back, finally sitting up. "I'm awake." She smiled at me. I kissed her cheek. "Good. Why don't you get ready, and we'll go get breakfast. Then go to the beach or something."

I got up, pulling JJ with me. I leaned her forward and kissed her lips. "You're very pretty. Now go get ready."

I made my way to the bathroom while JJ got dressed. She put on a swimsuit under a blue flowery dress. She'd bought maternity swim suits to wear because she still wouldn't wear a bikini. She cared a little less about her legs though. I think it's just because we didn't know anyone here.

After we got ready we ate breakfast downstairs, and went straight to the beach.

JJ laid on her back in the sand, looking straight up. I put my towel down and sat next to her.

"Why don't we just stay on our honeymoon forever?" She sighed. "Because we have actual jobs." I chuckled.

"So? We could just quit them. We could move here. Raise the baby in Hawaii. We'd spend every day at the beach. And she could learn how to surf."

"I think that would be fun. But then we'd actually have to leave the bau. And move a million miles away from everyone." I pointed out. "That's true."

"I say go home after this, and then when the baby comes we bring her here for a while." I suggested. "I like that idea." JJ smiled.

JJ was already in her third trimester, so the baby was going to be here pretty soon.

JJ got up, taking my hand in hers. "Come on. Let's go in the water!" She giggled.

I was dragged to the edge of the ocean, where the water would just overlap our toes. Since it was summer, the water was really warm which was nice.

We started to wade deeper in until it was almost to my waist. JJ kept smiling at me, her face practically glowing in the sun.

"You are so so beautiful." I whispered, kissing her lips. "I love you Emily."

August 10th, 8:00 am
Our honeymoon was over, which meant back to work. Yay.

"We should've stayed in Hawaii forever." JJ sighed, as we walked through the glass doors. "I'm starting to agree with you." I laughed, looking around the familiar bullpen.

Then Penelope came running out. "You guys are back! You're finally back!" She squealed, hugging us both. "We missed you all!" I smiled, as everyone gathered around.

"You guys can't leave me like that again. There was so much testosterone I thought I was going to die."

We all laughed. "So where'd you go?" Spencer asked. "Hawaii. Lots and lots of sun and the beach." JJ responded.

"I want pictures!!" Penelope exclaimed. "I second that." Derek smirked.

I pulled out my phone and showed them a few, which were all JJ playing like a five year old in the ocean.

"I look bad in that one." JJ rolled her eyes, shoving my phone away. "JJ shut up. You literally look like a super model." Penelope said. "No, I literally look like a whale." JJ held her stomach.

Crash & Burn x Jemily Where stories live. Discover now